Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [Wh det] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only 14 per cent of their time was directed to ‘ community relations ’ , the bulk of which amounted to ‘ informal contacts ’ with members of the public ( p. 19 ) .
2 One was a £230,000 ‘ compensation for loss of office ’ , the bulk of which went to the former chief executive , Emmanuel Olympitis , who suddenly departed last month .
3 In 1958 and 1959 Uruguay sold 16 per cent of its wool exports to Communist countries , the bulk of which went to the Soviet Union .
4 The provision was designed to assist the government in assuaging widespread land-hunger by resettling some 110,000 peasant farmers on about 5,000,000 hectares of white-owned land , the bulk of which lay in the fertile maize and tobacco belt in the north-east of the country .
5 During his time as Colonial Secretary he had established the measured steps towards independence for all Britain 's dependent peoples , the speed of which depended on the current state of development in each territory .
6 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
7 No mention of what has to be taken out to make the bubbles ‘ natural ’ .
8 Nevertheless , when the doorbell rang he was ready and waiting , with an agreeable expression and a fluent command of what to offer by way of drink .
9 The Chinese Communist Party is totally transformed , I think transformed out of all recognition , and becomes a completely different kind of political organization as a result of what happens in nineteen twenty five to seven .
10 I did n't write for five or six years afterwards but I do n't know if that was a direct result of what happened over ‘ The Dark ’ .
11 So that as a direct result of what happened in eighty one ?
12 By contrast much social work intervention occurs as a result of what appears to be an emergency .
13 Louis , catching Léonie lifting up the mahogany flap in the seat of what looked like one of the pews in church , forbade her future entry .
14 I recently received a photograph of what looked like a measuring jug with a spout like a teapot rather than with at the top .
15 Peter Hough ran through his investigation into a photograph of what appears to be an alien clutching an intergalactic attaché case on Ilkley Moor in a slide show which was like a conceptual exercise in boredom ( ‘ Here 's a slide of the letter I sent asking to hire a Geiger counter to search for radioactive traces left on the moor by the alien …
16 Gp Capt R C Hockey sent Air Mail the excellent photograph of what happened at Kinloss on a dark night in October 1943 when an Anson was approaching to land at the same time — and on the same bit of field — as a Whitley was just starting its take-off run .
17 Early in her career she undertook collaborative research with William Bateson [ q.v. ] on plant-breeding experiments on Biscutella laevigata , the work involving a study of what came to be known as dominant and recessive characters .
18 Charlotte had just begun to take stock of what needed to be removed from Jackdaw Cottage when Mrs Mentiply arrived , intent on discharging her housekeeping duties to the bitter end .
19 Now the wise extra-mural department would doubtless maintain a facade of what appear to be voluntary committees .
20 Exhaling a cigarette through the fine tissues of a handkerchief gives graphic demonstration of what happens to the even finer tissues of the lungs .
21 Laing is convinced that the future generation of managers need have no fear of what lays in store from the so-called post-industrial society .
22 If the safety message gets across … his little sister Hannah will grow up without the fear of what happened to her brother .
23 Now with the accent much more on playing the rhythm , it is easier to create movements without the fear of what to play on the piano but it is not an easy task to find suitable taped music to enhance the carrying quality .
24 We stayed close to the radio and eventually heard a repeat of what proved to be Marshal Badoglio 's first and last broadcast to the nation , uttered in a mournful voice :
25 We 're not doing that on purpose because we do n't want a repeat of what happened over there in the Blenheim Road , where people actually had power .
26 He had reaffirmed , he said , Pakistan 's long-established position that Kashmir was a disputed territory , the future of which had to be decided by a free plebiscite under UN supervision .
27 What is needed in this case is a single figure that gives an indication of which package as a whole is best value .
28 The stoichiometry of the reaction is given by , CO+2H 2 →CH 3 OH but this equation gives no indication of what happens on the catalyst surface : for example , carbon dioxide is almost certainly involved as an intermediate at one stage .
29 The stoichiometry of the reaction is given by , but this equation gives no indication of what happens on the catalyst surface : for example , carbon dioxide is almost certainly involved as an intermediate at one stage .
30 This book shows something of what has emerged out of religious interpretations of death , not as a history of death but as an indication of what lies at the root of the major religious traditions , lending to each its characteristic style .
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