Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [Wh det] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She talked in brief spurts in between which her eyes became glazed , probably as a result of whatever drug they had given her .
2 Some of these coincide with warfare in Italy ; others reflect periods of overseas wars , as a result of which soldiers who had been recruited in Italy were unable to return and recover their money .
3 She loaned them money , saved it for them or doled it out when necessary , all the transactions being written on the souvenir programme of whatever show she was appearing in .
4 It was angled so that only the captain could see it and Jezrael had no knowledge of what it showed , only her own innate fear of what damage it might cause .
5 Hirschi 's control theory reverts to a more classical starting assumption : that human motives are naturally diverse , often self-seeking and hence likely to favour violation of whatever rules there are defining ‘ crimes ’ .
6 In 1873 Walter Pater 's book , The Renaissance , first appeared ; its Epicurean message that art is to help us maintain ecstasy is far from the view of Lieberich , in the light of whose lecture we can see why the aesthetic movement of the late nineteenth century came about — in reaction to representational theories , in the age of photography .
7 This team play an important role in the development and completion of whatever music they become involved with .
8 After junior appointments at St Thomas 's and Great Ormond Street he entered the Royal Army Medical Corps for two years , during part of which time he investigated the dangers of hyperthermia in tank crews and how they might be overcome .
9 I think it 's a function of what incentives we 're going to give them .
10 ‘ It 's not a question of whether she has any boyfriend , more a case of which boyfriend she 'll be with .
11 Probably under Archbishop Edmund [ q.v. ] he was promoted to the Canterbury peculiar of Harrow , the chancel of whose church he was repairing in 1242 .
12 Mrs Thatcher should do either as the Mail demands and replace Mr Lawson with a Chancellor of whose policies she can wholeheartedly approve or , as Mr Heseltine urges , lift her veto against the only course which could give credibility to an exchange rate policy .
13 It is not the question of what in general we say when we assert such conditionals , or what they are about , but the question of what reasons we have for saying what we do .
14 Let me quote Professor Adolf Butenandt , Nobel prize-winning biologist : ‘ Even though modern biology provides us with a new outlook and a deeper insight into the nature of many living phenomena , it does not answer the question of what life itself is . ’
15 The emphasis on God 's revelation and on the faith that apprehends it raised the further question of what theology itself can speak about directly — the revelation , or merely faith 's apprehension of it ?
16 Assuming sex education is given to the child by a school , the question of what form it should take must be considered .
17 An imaginative pragmatist judge might be tempted , for example , to divorce the question of what rule he should lay down for the future from the question of how he should decide the case before him .
18 The agreement , which was drawn up in fairly obscure terms , proposed that the now-sovereign states of the former USSR should return to each other works of art on the basis of whose territory they were created on , the nationality of the artist , or just on the principle of ‘ I want it , it 's mine ’ .
19 It is , indeed , doubtful how much help Gloucester could have commanded explicitly in order to take the throne : some , almost certainly , but much ( if not most ) of the backing he enjoyed was given to the protector for the maintenance of stability — a distinction of which Gloucester himself seems not to have been fully conscious .
20 It is , indeed , doubtful how much help Gloucester could have commanded explicitly in order to take the throne : some , almost certainly , but much ( if not most ) of the backing he enjoyed was given to the protector for the maintenance of stability — a distinction of which Gloucester himself seems not to have been fully conscious .
21 The copies are of the Tyrannic ides , Harmodios and Aristogeiton , by Kritios and Nesiotes ( the nature of whose collaboration we do not know ) , set up in the Agora at Athens in 477/6 to replace those by Antenor , carried off to Persepolis by Xerxes .
22 L. , 1947 ) where Lord Simon said that the suspect was entitled to know on what charge or on suspicion of what crime he was seized .
23 But to show such contempt , such disregard of what talent she might possess — that was what she found unforgivable .
24 As a frequent visitor to Scotland I have formed a great admiration for the Scottish farmer 's skills , particularly in animal husbandry and the attention that he pays to the production of a crop of whose product I am a not infrequent consumer .
25 We agree or disagree before we form any concrete opinions about which institutions or officials must act and what they must do in consequence of whatever rights we declare people have .
26 Her strategies include acknowledging you own sense of wholeness , of taking care to listen properly , to take charge of whatever choice you make ; to rechannel blame and guilt into something more positive , and to make space and time for what is really important , for instance not finding yourself bogged down in trivia when there are more important issues to be confronted .
27 Once you were promoted you had to go to the bar on first entering the mess and drink a pint of whatever drink you designated without taking your lips from the glass .
28 some notion of what behaviour you ideally want from the other person , or persons , in order to achieve your objective .
29 They have no notion of what monster they have formed .
30 The Noble Lord , Lord said on many occasions Justices of the Peace do not in fact become involved in matters of this sort and the Home Secretary of the day of whatever party he may be a member , will then have his majority on very nearly every police authority in England and Wales .
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