Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun prp] be be " in BNC.

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1 In the emotionally charged pieces that he wrote from the war front , Nizan pointed up the inescapable fact that the future of France was being decided on the soil of Spain .
2 The future of Friern was being addressed by the top of the office .
3 The UK side of TVS is being run down but it has a pile of cash and what could be highly profitable operations in the US via MTM .
4 For Japanese to be discriminated against because of the colour of their skin , despite Japan 's success in proving herself the military and political equal of other powers , implied the virtual impossibility of Japan 's being accepted as a full equal by the industrialized nations of the West .
5 That is the conclusion of a report commissioned by the Department of Transport , which shows that a government-recommended deep water route around the North-West coast of Scotland is being ignored by 80 per cent of loaded oil tankers .
6 Still to come — the seaside resort of Bournemouth is being turned into a fortress as the Conservatives start arriving for their Conference .
7 And the year when the industrial base of Germany was being systematically dismantled and shipped to the victors .
8 He did n't think it was a case of God 's being vindictive , more a case of rules being rules and God having to administer them , like a caning head , and where there was Adultery there was always a Death , that was the way it was .
9 Water alert : About 200,000 people in an area west of Southampton are being advised to continue boiling their drinking water as mains are flushed to clear a parasite which causes stomach upsets .
10 The exceptions were in four main areas : in the west during the first onslaughts when the khanate of Kuchum was being eliminated ; in the far north-east against the Chukchis and Karnchatkan Itelmens ( here Russian losses may not have been very severe , but the effects on the aboriginal population were catastrophic ) ; in the south-east in the struggle with the Manchus for domination of the Amur , where the Russians were beaten ; and finally in the south-west against the nomadic horsemen of the steppes who were a thorn in the Russians ' flesh for over a century .
11 Dicey thus felt that ‘ the law of England is being ‘ officialised ’ … by statutes passed under the influence of socialistic ideas ' .
12 IN SEPTEMBER 1940 , the Battle of Britain was being fought over south east England by the pilots of Fighter Command , but at the same time the crews of Coastal and Bomber Commands were making heroic , but less well-known , attacks on the invasion barges and German naval forces assembled in the ports and harbours across the Channel .
13 The printing of De revolutionibus took place during a tense period when the freedom of Protestants and the independence of Nuremberg were being threatened by Catholic authorities .
14 By chance ( chance again ! ) she had chosen the one thing that would reach , spinning down through all that froth of excited sentiment , right down to the very core of Sarah 's being : the memory of Tom .
15 , Inhabitants of the Dutch town of Hoofddorp are being issued with new dustbins implanted with a measuring device aimed at encouraging them to throw away less rubbish .
16 Meanwhile , injured children evacuated from the Moslem town of Srebrenica are being treated in hospitals in neighbouring Tuzla .
17 Its centre lies in the recognition of what impedes the sight of love , whereas Scale 2 is occupied with facilitating recognition of the nature of God 's being — love — in man .
18 In 1662 , when Catherine of Braganza was preparing to marry Charles II of England , there was a great danger of Madeira 's being ceded to England as part of the dowry .
19 Independent bodies like Amnesty International began to focus on the conditions in which the Iraqi takeover of Kuwait was being conducted .
20 At Ludwigsburg Leopold suspected that his attempts to gain an audience with Karl Eugen , Duke of Wurtemberg were being thwarted by the intervention of Niccolò Jommelli ( court Kapellmeister at Stuttgart ) who was attempting to prevent Germans from appearing before the Duke .
21 In 1715 , for example , when the collectorship of Stirlingshire was being made an issue by interests unfriendly to the Administration , the friends of the Duke of Montrose , who was then Secretary of State , arranged for John Stirling , a brother of the Laird of Herbertshire , to become collector jointly with the previous holder of the office , Gabriel Napier of Craigannet .
22 Devlin Parnham was a scheming man and there was little chance of Richie 's being informed of Maggie 's exact mission to Spain .
23 If these things are true , the character of Christ is being reproduced and the organisation will be reproducing itself .
24 Control of MTS is being contested by Twigrealm , a company backed by the South African meat trader Freddy Hirsch and the British property entrepreneur Stephen Wingate , and by Alpha Gamma , the property group .
25 Erm a new settlement is going to be difficult to assimilate into any landscape , to locate fourteen hundred dwellings and associated community facilities anywhere in the in the Vale of York is is gon na be very difficult .
26 As only the better-off members could afford the piece of silver , this can be seen as the first sign that the classless Society of Archers was being taken over by the wealthier members .
27 It took the usual twenty minutes , and , when he finally entered the conference hall , the motion in favour of Europe was being moved by Gerry Malone , a personable Scot who was now the MP for Winchester .
28 Above and above right Volcanic centres in the northern Rift Valley of Kenya are being investigated as a possible source of geothermal energy .
29 At first their meeting places were simple , box-like structures but by the middle years of Victoria 's reign pompous new buildings in the Gothic style favoured by the Church of England were being built instead .
30 The power of the sacrament is attested to not just by stories of miracles in which the devout see Christ himself present in the Host , but in terms of inward experience " wherof we haue knowynge onely by beleue with ynneforthe " [ ynneforthe : inwardly ] and the meditation ends with a prayer for the experience of the healing presence of Christ : Such cultivation of an inner experience of the reality of Christ 's being by means of affective meditation on his life is a discipline taken for granted in the writings of all the mystics to be discussed , despite their differences in emphasis .
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