Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun pl] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Time , the best of all doctors , though he kills you in the end , had done more than therapy could and now days would pass , weeks , without Rufus thinking of Ecalpemos at all .
2 Any attempt by the administration to bring about a comprehensive lifting of sanctions before all US conditions were met had long been expected to meet strong opposition in Congress .
3 Eleven-year old Samantha , their daughter , is away at school during term time , but Pauline keeps busy with a succession of visitors from all parts of the globe .
4 In the very short space of ten seasons Mains played a hundred games for Otago and had begun a steady succession of matches in All Black trials .
5 To start with , over a third of the autobiographies have no mention of grandparents at all , or a bare reference .
6 Specifically , it was to be suggested that he should embark upon an immediate programme of visits to all parts of Vietnam making numerous speeches and public appearances in the process .
7 Thus , in 1962 , Molly Sheavyn , the Further Education and Youth Officer , launched a programme of courses for all tastes and all ages .
8 These , however , include the richest concentration of villas of all periods .
9 Depending on the particular combination of methods researchers have used , they have reported a fear of strangers in all or nearly none of the babies studied .
10 CHA make it easy by providing walking guides for groups — our group consisted of a rich mix of walkers of all ages and nationalities .
11 As the sun began to set behind the Qutab Minar , I made up my mind to explore sometime soon what was once the most enormous complex of fortifications in all Islam .
12 As Charles limped along Praed Street , he began to regret dressing up for the encounter , but when he reflected on the exceptional violence of blackmailers in all detective fiction , he decided it was as well to conceal his identity .
13 That is the stark injustice of the total humiliation of women on all levels , by men .
14 These goals were achieved as follows : ( a ) the outcome of patients entered into the surveillance programme was obtained from departmental records , patient case notes , histopathology reports , doctor supervising consultant or patient by clinic , letter or telephone ; ( b ) eligible patients with ulcerative colitis were identified from index cards used to document all colitis clinic patients , and review of notes of all patients attending the clinic for a 12 month period .
15 The seminar concluded with the drawing together of the discussions at an open forum after which , Past Chairman of APC , gave a vote of thanks to all the contributors for a useful and informative experience .
16 proposed a vote of thanks to all retiring Officers and Committee Members and thanked the Conference secretary , and the Conference Committee and the stewards and all who had helped .
17 Rather than examining the visibility of women in all the various types of sociological analyses of power , I am going instead simply to draw attention to an area in which the undoubted social power of women has not been considered at all .
18 This ensures that we can supply the complete spectrum of materials to all our customers in the building trade .
19 The 1956 vintage of the independent left was one of extraordinary potential , numbering many thousands of experienced cadres from the Communist Party crisis , hundreds of Labour lefts bursting from their party prison , contingents of determined and defiant pacifists and , within a short while the Children 's Crusade of teenagers from all classes .
20 Caught in the shrinking area between the Allied forces were hundreds of thousands of German troops and their allies , and a huge mass of refugees of all kinds fleeing the advance of various forces under Communist command .
21 It is always done in a running stream … the rivers contain in ordinary weather but a very small stream of water , trickling through an immense mass of rocks of all sizes .
22 Before long the coffin-like space of the box bed was a threshing mass of children of all sizes pulling , biting , scratching .
23 In a nuclear world the sensible aim is a less fragile , more stable nuclear balance at the lowest level of armaments on all sides .
24 NVQs are part of a government scheme to establish a national framework of qualifications across all industries .
25 Now it had no kind of boundaries at all , and more problems than he knew what to do with .
26 While in ( 16b ) the speaker is not represented as having any kind of expectations at all , in ( 16a ) he is : the sentence with the infinitive means that the speaker was hoping for someone to come to his assistance even before this happened .
27 The vicarious liability of hospitals for all their full-time staff was finally established in Cassidy v Ministry of Health [ 1951 ] 2 KB 343 .
28 Project Video is set in a variety of locations in all parts of Britain , and gives insights into life in Britain today .
29 Opened a major leisure centre at Blackbird Leys with a variety of activities for all to use .
30 Any area , in fact , may display a wide variety of settlements at all stages of development at any one time .
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