Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [art] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's an all British car erm except for the Japanese tape deck , and the makers believe there are enough people around who still want to drive with the top down and the wind in their hair , people who are prepared to risk the weather , as well as an overdraft , to get behind the wheel of a Healey again .
2 On the other hand I was afraid that if I made the driver sound too important he might end up under the wheel of a bus instead of behind one .
3 The traditional school 's isolation of the teacher typically allows such useful knowledge to lie unused , or at least under-used , the people concerned being unaware of the circumstances in which their skills could be deployed , their colleagues unmindful of the possibilities or unable because of lack of timetable time or other simple machinery to bring them in .
4 to exercise the power contained in Article 134 ( B ) of the Articles of Association of the Company so that , to the extend determined by the Directors , the holders of Ordinary Shares be permitted to elect to receive new Ordinary Shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company , credited as fully paid , instead of all or part of any dividend declared or proposed to be declared at any time prior to or at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company ; and
5 Is there anything else that you learned thinking of the exercise now listening when you put the shoe on the other foot and you have to stick to .
6 In contrast with my wishful thinking of the day before , I now found it impossible to visualize anything after the moment when the lights would go out and the window of the block would be thrown open .
7 The wind rose again , and again he tried to combine safety with dignity , thinking of the watchers below .
8 ( I sometimes wonder whether there is not an element of satire addressed by Shakespeare against the persona of the poet here , who can argue with such single-mindedness a case that seems the height of egoism in its intention to exploit the other — a woman — merely in order to reproduce itself . )
9 As you knit , the needles that are selected to tuck move forward of the needlebed far enough to collect the yarn , but not far enough for the stitch on the needle to go behind the latch and knit off .
10 He was named Postie of the Year yesterday , winning a £1,000 travel voucher in a competition organised by BBC Radio Two and the Royal Mail .
11 Bede not only compiled a detailed account of this important Synod but in another of his treatises , De temporum ratione ( ‘ On the Reckoning of Time ’ ) , written in 725 and generally regarded as his scientific masterpiece , he computed Easter tables for the period 532 to 1063 and also made a first attempt at a general chronology of the world down to the reign of the contemporary Byzantine emperor , Leo the Isaurian .
12 Each lively episode of the Streets Ahead soap , covering a double-page spread , presents natural language in an authentic context .
13 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
14 Tower Hamlets found that they could not decentralize Social Services , for example , because of the statutory requirement to have a Social Services Committee , but everything else they 've erm within the overall Council policy , which is decided by all the Councillors , they 've decentralized a great deal of the powers down to these local groups of Councillors , and where the Labour control the areas they control these local Councils , and where the Liberal Democrats control them they control them , and I think it 's working very well .
15 So you get , if you like , a development here er of presidential authority and the perception of the presidency both from the point of view of incumbents and from the point of view of the American people and gradually in the twentieth century you get an increasing focus an increasing focus on the presidency as the engine of government , that it 's the president who makes things happen , it 's the president who fixes things , it 's the president who responds to crises and as the crises become more frequent and the crises become more intense so the focus on the president also expands and the Buchanan view is now no longer tenable , the Buchanan view it 's not possible for any president to play the dignified monarch .
16 You may find new perception of the world around .
17 The essential principle of this Lift ( which is to be used in lieu of a flight of locks ) is floating of the barge or vessel into a tank and the conveying of that tank with its floating load broadside up or down a slope or inclined plane to a higher or lower pond of the canal respectively into which it is floated from the tank , which is left ready for another barge going in the opposite direction .
18 The sexual ineptitude of the voyeur usually renders him harmless .
19 Later came the ‘ Carry On ’ films , launched by Carry On Sergeant ( 1958 ) , films as defiantly un-Ealing as one could conceive , with their emphasis on the inability of institutions ( army , hospital , school , etc. ) to contain the animal natures and the sheer potential for vulgarity of the humans within .
20 Little short of a revolution has taken place inside the cabin , with the traditional Rolls/Bentley facia being superseded by a more modern arrangement siting the bulk of the instruments directly in front of the driver .
21 Driving through the market place I thought again that Darrowby on Christmas Day was like Dickens come to life ; the empty square with the snow thick on the cobbles and hanging from the eaves of the fretted lines of roofs ; the shops closed and the coloured lights of the Christmas trees winking at the windows of the clustering houses , warmly inviting against the cold white bulk of the fells behind .
22 He therefore decided to send the bulk of the army back to its base at Newcastle , while 500 cavalry , commanded by General James Oglethorpe , set off across the Pennines to try to harass the enemy flanks and rear .
23 Where the caring takes place will often decide who does the bulk of the task anyway , and this is a crucial decision which needs talking about well in advance , particularly where ageing parents are concerned .
24 We should never forget that it is in vocabulary that the bulk of the language actually lies .
25 The bulk of the electorate also remained loyal to the same party in successive elections .
26 Well you see originally , I mean that plan , that one there , does n't , which has let the bulk of the trees all round there and round this area , there 's a couple in the backyard as well .
27 One must also remember that the bulk of the clergy both in Ireland and in the remainder of catholic Europe came from rural backgrounds , where the sense of God is , or was , part of the air one breathes ( Acquaviva 1979 ) .
28 Such was not apparently the view of the bulk of the membership however , and the chance was lost to try an experiment in creating greater unity while the numbers of women were still comparatively low .
29 She stared into fitzAlan 's hard , relentless eyes , and behind her fear that tiny flicker of resentment flared into sudden blazing life with the force of a rage as hot as his was cold .
30 Like certain other ‘ women 's language features ’ , such as qualifiers , intensifiers , hesitations and so on , tags are hedging structures which qualify the force of an assertion so as not to intimidate , offend or exclude other points of view .
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