Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Despite heavy government intervention aimed at warding off a further crash in prices , trading continued to be nervous as a result of fears that Mehta would dump holdings to clear his bank debts , which included Rs6,200 million ( about US$214,000,000 ) to State Bank of India , the largest commercial bank .
2 Simmering personal animosity between Bush and Perot also flared into life in June as a result of claims that Perot had employed a team of investigators to scrutinize the private lives of numerous public figures , including the President and members of his family .
3 The request is a result of rumours that Lonrho and the Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company have formed a joint-venture company to pursue their interests in Africa .
4 You must not tell a citizen of Marseilles that Petronius , the author of the Satyricon , was not born near the Vieux-Port .
5 There could be no doubt in the mind of John that Jesus had been sent by God .
6 Recently Iman Wilkens has proved through an exhaustive study of Homer that Troy stood , not in Turkey , but on the site of a filling station off the A604 south east of Cambridge .
7 Hanson is likely to add value to any business in which there is a mix of activities that Hanson can run , and those it can not .
8 It was the only piece of junk that Broomhead was optimistic about .
9 She remembered the carved piece of stone that Lowell held in his hand sometimes — part of an urn , he 'd told her .
10 In any case , there is a still stronger piece of evidence that Edmund 's popularity in Cnut 's day was connected with the recent past .
11 The plot may not be the simplest and most direct piece of story-telling that Hofmannsthal gave to strauss — but look below the surface and investigate the symbols .
12 ‘ That bit 's too short , ’ said the boy looking at the piece of wire that Philip had just cut .
13 It is in the drive for more effective dissemination of information that AEA has launched Competitive Edge , which will offer its readers accessible articles on aspects of science and technology relevant to industry .
14 And was it really the crime of passion that Wilde eloquently records ?
15 We immediately notified the Department of Trade that Mohamed Fayed 's representations were incorrect , and gave what information we had at the time , which was sufficient to alarm , or at least give pause for basic investigations .
16 The conception of ideology that Althusser offers involves a social determination thesis that avoids mechanistic determination through the possibility of science .
17 A tiny flame of hope that Luce had never even acknowledged flickered and died as his words , and the facts behind them , hammered themselves into her brain .
18 Simon Preston 's DG Archiv version with the English Concert remains preferable , but Robert King evens the balance by providing as an extra the first period performance of Handel 's Royal Fireworks Music to use the full complement of instruments that Handel demanded .
19 ‘ If you want it to , ’ he answered simply , a rock of reasonableness that Belinda found rather reassuring in the sea of emotion between brother and sister .
20 When he was pressured , the dealer might ring his client two or three times in the morning alone , selling shares and maybe taking some back to pay for it , a churning of stock that Harvard tacitly condoned .
21 It was this western part of Czechoslovakia that Hitler was so keen to get his hands on ; not so much for the Pilsener lagers , but for the Skoda machine plants and the iron and coal resources of Western Bohemia .
22 Would we not have heard again a hubbub of outrage , complaints that the Coalition ought to have flattened Baghdad when they 'd had the chance , a chorus of demands that Saddam be taken out now …
23 It was to resist this wave of caesarism that Jovellanos pressed for the summoning of a general Cortes which would represent the nation against the generals .
24 Whatever the level of probability that God exists , in Pascal 's view , one should believe in God , one should wager .
25 For even at the generally modest level of competition that Beckenham offers , the British are shown to be dismal failures .
26 That does n't appear to be much erm in terms of quantity in our estimation in terms of the level of provision that Leeds and Bradford er are providing , but it would create a major problem er in North Yorkshire .
27 solution is Omni SQL Gateway no other product delivers the level of transparency that Omni provides .
28 And it may endorse the British idea that the EC Court of Justice should have sanctions to enforce its judgments on reluctant countries ( one bit of supranationalism that Britain backs ) .
29 They stamped round the sofa and did that tricky bit of acrobatics that Sid and Ethel showed us the other night .
30 It 's a second for Gary , it 's a fourth for Notts and er the little bit of tension that Notts had created for themselves as they went off the boil and came really into the game with their two goals from first of all and then from from the free kick , but 's goal in the last minute here making it four two and really capping a most entertaining night for Notts .
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