Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It aims to finance a minimum level of services , to equalize taxable resources between different local authorities , and to relieve the domestic ratepayer of part of the local tax burden .
2 It was found that Staphylococcus aureus protein A had a pronounced inhibition on ADCC ( mean of 71% with a range of 51% to 92% inhibition ) .
3 May I draw your attention , however , to work No. 5 , which is about ’ a railway commencing in the London borough of Islington by a junction with the Great Northern Railway at a point immediately below the southern portal of the western bore of Copenhagen tunnel ’ ?
4 Few , however , reflect the kind of commitment to effective professional service which inspired McClellan 's system in the borough of Tottenham in the 1950s .
5 In 1593 he was returned to Parliament for the Yorkshire borough of Beverley on the interest of his kinsman Lancelot Alford .
6 I believe that the Minister will soon come to the London borough of Newham on an official visit to hear about our arts policy .
7 CCG HAS started a new contract to provide school meals for the London Borough of Wandesworth over the next four years .
8 He represented the borough of Northampton in the Parliaments of 1624 , 1625 , 1626 , and 1628–9 .
9 Ltd v. Heller & Partners Ltd and Anns v. London Borough of Merton as the authorities which give rise to this proposition .
10 Mr the headmaster has recently applied to Paul 's present local authority London Borough of Merton for a classroom assistant for Paul for thirty hours per week he does not know whether he will get that or a lesser number of hours or none at all , he was repeatedly , in my view quite rightly , extremely reluctant to express any view about what the outcome of his application maybe , but , rather force time is to which we have to guess , his guess was that ten hours might be afforded but he was at pains to emphasize that that was pure guess work .
11 Not all cases known to the indicator agencies were examined , but only those who were resident in the Borough of Wirral during the specified time period .
12 Put flour , ginger and bi-carbonate of soda in a bowl .
13 Why should the export of capital from the UK after 1979 have been expected ?
14 This results in an export of capital from the UK of K1-K2 , corresponding to the capital stock increase in Germany of K3-K4 .
15 The architecture shows the influence of the Italian colonisation ; the modern harbour harks back to the healthy export of livestock to the Gulf States ; and the large scale agricultural activity in the adjacent fertile valley now lies dormant with equipment and crops stolen and even the electricity pylons stripped of their cables .
16 It was not until 1962 , when the Organisation of American States resolved that Cuba had voluntarily placed itself outside the inter-American system , that Castro — finding a temperamental and ideological disposition backed up by pressing security considerations — switched his energies to the export of revolution on a more substantial level .
17 The squalor remained through the troubles of the Civil Wars until a new prosperity was built on the growing export of corn in the later seventeenth century .
18 Restrictions on footballers in Eastern Europe playing abroad have gradually been eased as Poles , Soviets and others have come to regard the export of players as a useful means of acquiring hard currency .
19 Production from the field will mark the first export of gas from the UK .
20 The immediate cause of this switch was a ban on the export of walnut from the Savoie region of France — the principal source of the wood for the English industry — by the French government in 1720 .
21 Within an hour of arrival they were closeted with the permanent secretary , the most senior civil servant , of the Ministry of Agriculture mapping out the ground for a loan from the World Bank to Tanzania which would put $25 million into livestock production , turning ranching and the export of beef into a major national industry .
22 I yearned towards the mystical earnestness which saw through the outer facing of existence in a oneness and blinding intensity which went direct to some essence of being .
23 A well-known Serbian-American historian , Michael Boro Petrovich , considers that the most far-reaching effect of the Ottoman occupation was the isolation of Serbia from the main currents of western thought and western social development .
24 The relative isolation of women from the public world of their husbands does not just have an impact on their access to relatives and friends but also , not surprisingly , on their use of leisure facilities outside the home ( see also chapter 10 , section 10.3 ) .
25 In pursuit of diplomatic support , Baker met Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen at the UN in New York on Nov. 28 and invited him to Washington , effectively ending the diplomatic isolation of China by the USA in force since the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre .
26 In this paper we report for the first time the isolation of cDNA for a zebrafish POU family gene which is ubiquitously expressed during embryogenesis .
27 Although there is much to be said in favour of the notion of evolution by discrete jumps in plants , particularly through allopolyploidy involving small numbers of individuals , current orthodoxy holds that the greater part of speciation events occurs through the isolation of fragments of an initial population , the change of these fragments in response to the conditions in their isolation and , with the breakdown of isolation , the co-existence of the newly speciated populations in one locality .
28 It was startling to discover that a race which was identifiably mutant had laws for the suppression of mutations , and he guessed that the origin of cause and principle alike lay somewhere in the lost time of the isolation of Tarvaras from the Empire .
29 Then , assisted by Ram and Mohammed , he had built a crude furnace of bricks on the verandah in which to heat up the shot .
30 THE US state department is being accused of trying to sabotage a recent conference in Vietnam that was called to discuss the long-term effects of the spraying of defoliants on the country 's forests by American planes during the Vietnam War .
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