Example sentences of "[noun sg] be for you [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You will then know what a healthy weight-loss diet is for you and be able to follow this for a further two weeks , or longer if necessary .
2 I said well actually the cake was for you as well .
3 If you have forty children and desks for all of them , a set of recommended texts and a full complement of teaching time , the syllabus is for you and the texts help you .
4 I said that , I said the back door 's for you but they 're like concrete .
5 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
6 I again , using that sermon of Peter , in acts chapter two , Peter said to them , in verse thirty eight , repent and let each of you baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins , and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit , for the promise is for you and your children , and for all who will , as many as the Lord our God shall call to himself .
7 The first step is for you and your family to be in complete control of your dog , then you can start acclimatising your bitch to other dogs .
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