Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [v-ing] to the " in BNC.

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1 Current advances in graptolite biostratigraphy are leading to the recognition of further subdivisions in the Ordovician and Silurian which provide an accurate calibration for parallel work on acritarchs and chitinozoa .
2 The stalwarts of the Hunterston Cycle Club are taking to the road again in the name of charity .
3 On the contrary , all perceptions as well of the sense as of the mind are according to the measure of the individual and not according to the measure of the universe .
4 Apart from working closely with the Benevolent Fund , The Association is contributing to the work of The Council of British Service and Ex-Service Organisations .
5 In response to the news coverage of the disorder , she sent telegrams to both the BBC and the ITA asking them to ‘ please consider whether the massive television coverage of acts of vandalism and violence is contributing to the spread of the riots ’ .
6 so you felt that and that pulse point there if you press on it hard enough you can actually stop the one in the wrist and of course that is controlling the flow of blood to the rest of the arm and you leave a pressure point closed off like that for no more than ten minutes , because if you left it on for too long that it means not sufficient blood 's getting to the rest of the , the limbs and the limb must have its blood supply , so you leave the pressure on for ten minutes and then release it , say for ten seconds just so say that the hand comes back pinkish again and if it 's not slowing down , back on with the pressure again for another ten minutes and that 's how you use it , tap off , ten minutes at the most , tap on for a little while , if it 's leaked again reapply , ten minutes at the most , tap on again , okay and that 's how you 'll control it , so if you do have a sit a situation where the bleeding was bad cos you 've got a , a limb severed , you could n't perhaps put sufficient direct pressure over that limb , this done , right , to control the bleeding then you could use indirect pressure , here , breaking or here , right in the , no playing now please , no trying to find this one right now , do this one tonight , in bed and the old lady said now what are you doing to me , never you mind , go to sleep
7 Kermode is referring to the demise of the man of letters , or the ‘ bookman ’ as he became known in late-Victorian England , and his replacement by the professionalized university critic .
8 But according Mr Marek Dabrowski , a deputy finance minister , the screws will not be loosened much until there are signs that Polish industry is adjusting to the real world .
9 Industry is coming to the city .
10 The Government refuses to publish reports showing whether the tobacco industry is keeping to the voluntary agreements that restrict tobacco advertising near schools .
11 The food and drink industry is responding to the undoubted demand for low and no-alcohol drinks .
12 The hotel industry is responding to the leisure boom with developments taking place at both large and small establishments in the United Kingdom .
13 The search for Carol Clark 's killer is leading to the re-examination of the death of prostitute Diane McInally in Glasgow two years ago .
14 The President was responding to the defeat on Feb. 19 of the ruling National Party ( NP ) in a by-election in Potchefstroom , in the western Transvaal , where the Conservative Party ( CP ) , the official white opposition party , won a majority of 2,140 , overturning the NP 1989 general election majority of 1,583 .
15 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
16 Fleischmann was alluding to the strategic importance of lithium-6 , which is present as 7.5 per cent of all naturally occurring lithium and is an important ingredient in thermonuclear weapons as it can be cleft by neutrons to make tritium , the essential fuel , and can fuse with deuterium to make helium-4 , releasing energy in the form of gamma rays without accompanying neutrons .
17 The library study was looking to the future of the library — not the RIBA .
18 Anthony 's usual animosity was coming to the fore .
19 The Tobacco Advisory Council refused to be interviewed , but said they were happy that the industry was keeping to the code .
20 Conscious of a ripping sound , she heard her zip go , then her taffeta skirt was rustling to the floor and he was pulling her down among its glossy folds , his lips marauding over hers so that it was the way it was in the unrequited dreams of the empty nights when everything came down to the touch of him like the still centre of the entire world .
21 Gurder was talking to the Thing in a low voice .
22 Those farmers ( 25% ) who chose a selected period of the winter were referring to the mid-October to early January period .
23 Liberal Year Of Culture licensing laws are giving Glaswegians an unprecedented freedom to party , and the dance scene is rising to the challenge .
24 Welcome back : A teenager who was paralysed in a car crash is taking to the road himself after passing his driving test .
25 Then he added , ‘ If anyone from the village is going to the Bazaar we should send some more flour and potatoes and some more blankets . ’
26 This is best achieved by making the individuals and groups aware of how their work is contributing to the goals of the overall organisation .
27 And there is also concern expressed by lawyers of various kinds about what family law is doing to the ideal of the rule of law .
28 THE Ulster Transport Museum is looking to the future — with a state of the art bike .
29 Prentice Hall is sticking to the tried and tested title by publishing Developing Business Contacts , as well as a welcome new series of ESP reading texts under the banner of Professional Reading Skills .
30 Scotland 's capital has had some of the most liberal licensing rules in Britain , but councillors fear that late-night drinking is contributing to the growing violence in the city centre .
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