Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [v-ing] and i " in BNC.

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1 So the memory has created a situation where you 're looking for a planned intention was developing and I and suc suc suc and I was successful .
2 ‘ I thought they were going to throw me out while the car was moving and I asked them to stop .
3 IN the middle 80s , snooker was booming and I was doing my best to cash-in on selling it around the world .
4 In the morning the sun was shining and I felt better .
5 Secondly , my palette is changing and I am introducing more colours .
6 My name is Hocking and I 'm ringing from Oswaldston .
7 I appreciate the point that my hon. Friend is making and I know of his support for museums and galleries in York and in Yorkshire .
8 My wife is expecting and I 'm building a new house near Ballymena , so there was no sense really in chasing all over the country .
9 I mean it 's it 's their responsibility to er prepare the local plan in the context of what the structure plan strategy as a whole is saying and I think it 's it 's necessary not to just look at this particular policy in total isolation and assume that that is going to give er what you fear to district councils the ability to nothing .
10 My head was swimming and I felt very tired suddenly .
11 The cold of the night was deepening and I was weaker than I 'd been when I set out .
12 Nevertheless , the Year of the Skull ended with my old enemy in my power ; the bone jug pulled from the ground like a very rotten tooth indeed one suitably dark and stormy night , by torchlight and Stoutstroke the trowel while my father was sleeping and I should have been , and the heavens shook with thunder , rain and gale .
13 The great bells of the abbey were booming and I idly wondered what would have happened to my life if Jack Hogg and I had not been taken .
14 but , but then we are con , if the argument on the one hand is we should conform to what the government 's saying and I 'm saying that 's what the government says as one of the general areas we should address I ca n't be wrong both ways if you follow my drift ?
15 The epidural was working and I could n't feel any real pain apart from the belt and I was lying there watching the monitor shoot up and down as the baby moved around .
16 My life was deconstructing and I took refuge in my work .
17 I , I mean I went like this into dinner okay , and I suppose everyone was like what 's she doing in a skirt or whatever cos they were all like looking and then like half way when I was eating I could feel them all staring at me and laughing and Jim and that lot were laughing and I could see Charlie
18 Not a lot was happening and I was really tired so I decided to go to bed .
19 In November , I wrote to him pointing that the formal period for consultation was ending and I asked when we might hear his response to the Green Paper .
20 He was a tough old fellow when it came to it-his older brother had been an artillery colonel — but his health was failing and I guess he felt a younger man would serve his flock the better in the iron times to come .
21 Even my heart was racing and I was frightened
22 I know the time is slipping and I hope to get it done in the next two weeks .
23 ‘ Within an hour the headache had vanished , the sickness was fading and I felt bright enough to be able to go out . ’
24 ‘ His interest was flattering and I felt Newcastle were right for me .
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