Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [det] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Decision making , experimenting , hypothesising , generalising , modelling , communicating , interpreting , proving , symbolising and pattern finding are all integral parts of that activity .
2 There have of course been many other visits which were either not documented or else which were presented in an ephemeral form .
3 The reasons for using some form of external assistance in recruiting key people are often quite clear : the confidentiality , the know-how and the experience are all obvious factors ; why bring in a headhunter rather than use an advertising consultant is sometimes more difficult to explain .
4 Twelve years on , the main conclusion of our study is that tool usage , co-operative hunting , sharing of food , and various forms of teaching are all common behaviours in the forest chimpanzees of the Ivory Coast .
5 In the middle of the spectrum are those rare books that are rooted in some sort of evidence while looking at humans as the fascinating evolutionary product that they are .
6 Small metal filing cabinets intended for stationery , little plastic tool cabinets or shallow trays made from card are all suitable receptacles , and you will easily find other ideas to suit your needs .
7 Well , what he has in mind are those very books which are the core of our course , that is Freud 's writings on social sciences , religion , society , morality , social philosophy , that , that kind of thing .
8 The operations room , the data base and the planning cell are all sensible moves as the UN plunges into the unchartered territory of peace enforcement .
9 For example , brisk walking , swimming , cycling , and jogging are all aerobic exercises .
10 The depleting ozone layer is the harshest example of this , but international determination of British society was always important and the idea of some insulated , ‘ British ’ , history is a nonsense : the reformation , the industrial revolution , the spread of universal suffrage were all international processes .
11 It is little wonder , then , that ostracism and gossip were such powerful ways of enforcing the values and standards of village life , nor that the criteria of status and prestige in the community also tended to be derived from the world of work .
12 Inside the tin were several small parcels containing measured portions of custard powder and porridge oats , crushed biscuits and cocoa powder mixed with sugar .
13 He said rehabilitation , resettlement , retraining and grant aid were all integral parts of the service offered by the Legion , often after service personnel had been injured or disabled .
14 The advice from the Building Societies Association is that prospective tenants should ask to see written consent from the lender , before entering into a tenancy agreement .
15 I have put it to the inspector at the claims branch that there must be many cases of this kind which have been settled by local inspectors without so much correspondence ; his reply is that local inspectors are under instruction to pass the cases to claims branch .
16 The constitutional reply is that public authorities , being directly or indirectly elected , are the representatives of the public interest and that their function is precisely that of making such decisions .
17 But what we 've got to bear in mind is that minor faults in our design can be very serious when translated to a job on the ground which .
18 Whatever the truth of the matter , the one certainty for the future is that economic pressures will put everyone — reformers and conservatives — to the test .
19 One of the great problems for the future is that rich countries are developing so many synthetic alternatives that they no longer have so much need of raw materials .
20 The most common fault is that important features are not always revealed by these methods , which can lead to the excavation being sited wrongly .
21 One of the conclusions of this research is that nuclear families are not isolated but are actually placed in a network of relationships with kin and others .
22 What has happened previously in a lot of educational research is that large samples have been taken .
23 What has happened previously in a lot of educational research is that large samples have been taken .
24 The implication of this study is that developing societies need to improve their elementary school system before their economies can hope to have a secure foundation for industrialisation .
25 In terms of software , a general rule is that new computers will run most of the old software but that new software , written for updated versions of existing microcomputers is often incompatible with earlier versions .
26 The general rule is that overseas trusts are subject to the same IHT rules as UK trusts .
27 The dilemma is that Kenyan companies can not export effectively until they command the volumes needed to justify investments in both knowledge and quality , but they can not obtain those volumes without investment .
28 One of the reasons why women are more vulnerable than men with the introduction of highly technologised industry is that female workers are considered inappropriate for mechanised industry .
29 One of the assumptions underlying the idea of a Pareto optimum is that private costs and benefits are the same as social costs and benefits .
30 One other important point emerging from M. W. Eysenck 's ( 1982 ) review is that different methods of producing arousal appear to show rather different effects on the main and subsidiary tasks .
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