Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite that , surprisingly few complaints about discrimination are made to industrial tribunals each year .
2 Free Range — The birds in this category are grown to 56 days and a standard breed is used .
3 Resources and responsibility are devolved to these organisations and help is given to develop the skills needed for delivering high quality business development , training activities and projects .
4 Legal fees and stamp duty for sale and purchase are reimbursed to existing employees ; new staff receive reimbursement of these costs only for buying the new house .
5 Later experiments will evaluate the extent to which problems in comprehension are related to specific age groups , or types of materials .
6 These data will then be used to determine whether all differences in comprehension are related to over-all differences in production .
7 Although there is perhaps a sense in which both taxonomy and description are related to explanatory purposes , this is not in any straightforward or enlightening fashion .
8 Since form and function are related to living things , when the information in an illustration is incorrect it can take more work in the long run to get the thing to look right .
9 The temporary replacement car will be made available only when full details of the loss or damage are notified to General Accident .
10 It is because the Supplement project collects quotations on a huge scale that the staff of the Dictionary Department are alerted to new linguistic developments .
11 The difficulties inherent in classifying systems according to this criterion are illustrated to some extent by the position of the British Prime Minister .
12 One result of this diversion of investment is under-mechanisation and a shortage of labour : almost one half of workers in industry are consigned to unmechanised tasks .
13 The argument had in effect been adjourned to this week , during which time the group was to read and digest the pamphlets Sheila had brought along .
14 The stockmarket has in effect been closed to new equity issues for three years , and banks will lend only to the safest borrowers .
15 Public sector tendering will in future be opened to all European Community firms with a requirement to advertise tenders and award contracts without discrimination .
16 The government announced on Dec. 2 , 1989 , that the value of the metical would in future be linked to that of a basket of currencies , of undisclosed content , rather than to the US dollar as had been the case since Jan. 31 , 1987 .
17 When gamma equals one all the weight is given to last year 's price all the weight is given to last year 's price okay right , so past history , all past history is ignored apart from the price at T minus one right and the closer that gamma is our expectations co-efficient , closer gamma is to one , the more weight be attached to last year 's price , relative to the previous history of prices okay right .
18 The European Commission has recommended that taxes on biodiesel be limited to 10 per cent of the level on fossil fuels , making it competitive in some European countries .
19 Now the United States is on the verge of bombing Iraq on the pretext that Iraq refuses to destroy its ‘ weapons of mass destruction ’ — when , in fact , Iraq has asked that some of its military industry be converted to civilian production laid waste by allied bombing .
20 Authorities decided the only possible means of completing the transfer on time would be from a proper docking facility and requested the carrier be moved to nearby Glasgow for loading .
21 At each stage there was to be a reshuffle of cars in depôts , so that the worst cars in the fleet were scrapped first and the better cars from a depôt closing were moved to another one .
22 By the 1680s the old-fashioned cavalry of the pomeshchiks had disappeared as an independent force , the streltsy were restricted to internal policing duties , and Muscovy had gone a long way towards establishing a professional army .
23 That mesh of electrofibres will stimulate excruciating pain signals in all the nerves in your flesh without any physical harm being caused to that flesh .
24 Thus for example the questions about domestic routines and husband 's participation in the division of labour were geared to specific activities and time periods rather than to the more attitudinal or normative dimension of who ‘ usually ’ does what at what time .
25 The six sections of that car were allocated to twelve assorted actors and crew , most of them at that point reading , talking or fast asleep .
26 Places in the programme were limited to 200 , out of 250,000 injectors in the city , and to make things worse each client would only be able to exchange a single needle .
27 The process made for a much slower reduction in unemployment than elsewhere in the Yorkshire , Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Coalfields , and there were fears of the industry being cut to 35,000–40,000 men , with the possible ending of mining in Scotland , Wales and the North East .
28 Kuwait and the UAE also agreed to cut production to 1,500,000 bpd each ( the UAE 's quota being raised to this level — the same as Kuwait 's quota — from the 1,095,000 bpd set in November 1989 , see p. 37632 ) .
29 This initially resulted in the charge of murder being changed to attempted murder , with Professor Usher reluctantly forced to admit that his initial examination was inconclusive .
30 The principles of the electronic valve were applied to magnetic recording in the late 1920s , so the BBC used steel-tape recorders for repeating programmes for the Empire broadcasting service ( 21 ) .
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