Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The strength of the synaptic contact between an X-neuron and a Z-neuron is increased every time activity in the X-neuron coincides with activity in the Z-neuron induced by input via its Y-neuron .
2 This diagram shows what happens if a red light is flashed every time a person is exposed to a sudden loud noise .
3 This refers to a process whereby a child is rewarded every time it completes a desirable behaviour .
4 An automatic check digit is generated every time a new balance is printed .
5 This does not alter the fact — and it is imperative to grasp this — that even if there has been no alteration or amendment whatever , and every word is identical , with exactly the same sort of type and format , a new edition is created every time there is a new setting of type .
6 It should be possible , however , to outline paradigms for community education and development which will ensure that the former outcome is achieved every time .
7 As it is now three years since the present display team was formed the time has come for an audition to be held , this will be early in the autumn .
8 Of public concern in the past about football crowds he said : ‘ With the best will in the world , the centre of the town was affected every time there was a major home game at Airdrie , attracting a large travelling support .
9 What is more , it seems that there was not just one bursting of the dam , but as many as seven , with the dam being re-implaced every time by fresh glacial advances .
10 But detritus is given no time to accumulate in tropical forests .
11 The dog was ‘ conditioned ’ by a bell being sounded every time it was fed .
12 If a reinforcer is given every time an operant is shown there is an initial rapid increase in the occurrence of that operant until a steady level of behaviour is reached .
13 The new covenant is commemorated every time we celebrate the Eucharist ; and we have a vivid image of the covenant every time we hold out empty hands to receive the sacrament , because we have nothing to offer .
14 THERE were angry scenes outside Inverness Sheriff Court yesterday when a new age traveller was given no time to pay a £500 fine and jailed for 14 days .
15 This number is incremented every time a volume is added to the set , for example : PROJECTX.001 , PROJECTX.002 , etc .
16 This was possible because someone can be tried once and convicted once for every separate offence he commits and an offence under section 14 is committed every time someone reads the brochure — since a false statement is made every time it is communicated to someone .
17 Time zero was considered the time of completion of the test meal .
18 This algorithm is applied every time it is the program 's turn to move .
19 An image copy of the Working-Set is made every time a new table is loaded to the Working-Set .
20 Then to each narrator is assigned a time and place of the writing of his contribution .
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