Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 BLACK MUSLIMS FROM the Nation of Islam are gathered in force outside the Hackney Empire .
2 Affection and dread are mixed in ambivalence , grief becomes guilt , and often a disgust factor at the kind of tasks to be undertaken compounds the pain ( Ungerson , 1987 ) .
3 Emergency protection orders and police protection are discussed in Chapters 12 and 13 .
4 The immediate counterattack is simple : Has the building been offered for sale on the open market ?
5 The usual test applies : Has the freehold building been offered for sale on the open market ?
6 Lower , but still significant levels of fragmentation are found in Italy , Greece and Portugal , and are most common in the poorer regions .
7 The matters about which the board have to be satisfied before making a provisional grant are specified in subs .
8 The main EEC based investment aid is through the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Scheme ( AHDS ) whereby enhanced rates of grant are paid for land in the LFA 's ‘ severely disadvantaged ’ zone .
9 IN the freezer at Tesco , 4lb packs of frozen petit pois are reduced by 80p to £1.69 and 2lb packs of frozen pommes noisettes are 65p , from £1.15 .
10 Even the steam trains operated by British Rail are hauled by locomotives privately owned , restored and maintained by enthusiast groups .
11 Some decisions are shared equally and the remainder are split between husband and wife .
12 The bulk of the remainder are held by companies who show a strong preference for holding the stock of companies with whom they have important trading connections .
13 Elections for 105 seats in the 151-member Tsogdu are by universal suffrage of all adults over the age of 17 ; 10 are reserved for religious bodies and the remainder are occupied by officials , ministers and members of the Royal Advisory Council .
14 Similar chords of pathos are struck in Kieslowski 's A Short Film About Love , where an adolescent voyeur becomes infatuated with an older woman living across the square .
15 A self-portrait from the period has the same decided , serene expression as one he had painted 18 years earlier , but his eyes and hair are engulfed in flames , his face is distorted .
16 Nightmares of pure horror are expressed in dreams of cannibalism , gory deaths and graveyard ghouls .
17 Details of the printed circuit board are provided in Fig. 3 , this board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE795 .
18 The results of the benefits analysis in this case are summarised in Fig 14. 8 .
19 At the same time changes of wave direction are imposed on waves by the sea bottom interfering with the flow pattern in the waves , but these directional changes are considered later on .
20 Politics have their bases in perceived interests of the working class , but their form and direction are mediated by capacities for action , and these are determined by local social structures ( p 62 ) .
21 Most adverbs in this category are formed from adjectives and the -ing form of verbs : pleasing-pleasingly .
22 Legionellae in the enviroment are found as parasites of protozoa in which intracellular multiplication can take place .
23 The point of such clauses is to put the buyer in the position where his remedies for failure to perform or defective performance under the contract are limited in fact to compelling either proper performance under the contract ( by way of rework repair or replacement ) or the return of his money .
24 For example , procedural reasons are discussed in Chapter 5 ; reasons associated with imposing liability in tort and contract are discussed in Chapters 12 and 13 ; and reasons associated with the free flow of information in society are considered in Chapters 15 and 16 .
25 As the fuel is burnt-up , nuclei of uranium are converted into plutonium 239 .
26 In libraries serving these or similar groups the use of readability formulas may be considered , in which sentence length and word complexity are taken into account to rate the simplicity of the language used .
27 However , its location and release of new energies within a literary text are based on discoveries of how that text negotiated its own culture .
28 A characteristic two pages of the text are given to Corot 's landscapes , five pictures being cited , though the reader is less fortunate than the lecture audience , as only two are illustrated .
29 The largest tortoises you will see in the park are descended from specimens from Aldabra Island in the Indian Ocean .
30 Swithland Woods are ancient deciduous woodlands , and with Bradgate Park are administered by Trustees with financial help from the County and Leicester City Councils .
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