Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adj] but [art] " in BNC.

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1 The officer told the defendant three times that he considered two pickets at each entrance were sufficient but the defendant , persisting in his intention to join the pickets , ‘ pushed gently past ’ the police officer , ‘ was gently arrested ’ , and was charged with obstructing the police in execution of their duty .
2 The degree to which publicans ‘ invested ’ for this reason in football is unknown but the pecuniary advantage at first sight seems doubtful .
3 ‘ I think pedestrianisation is great but the shops need to be serviced , ’ he said .
4 The old adage ‘ The mind is willing but the flesh is weak , ’ could be said to apply to the M.C.R. and its attitude towards sport .
5 But she thinks the college is disorganised but the facil , facilities are okay .
6 The mechanism by which the context-CS association has its effect is different but the principle is just that adopted by Wagner ( 1976 , 1981 ) .
7 The action is farcical but the wit and the brilliant dialogue contain a highly intelligent , though good-natured ( and far from earnest ) , satire of Victorian Society as embodied chiefly in the overbearing Lady Bracknell , Wilde 's greatest comic creation .
8 The benefit to the clownfish is obvious but the advantage to the anemone is less clear .
9 At least I 'd say his reasoning was good but the conclusions suspect .
10 Ranulf was harmless but the potion could be dangerous .
11 The pound was perky but the Irish punt was shaky ahead of today 's election .
12 The range is vast but the aim is simple : to lock in condition and keep your hair in peak health .
13 The art work is primitive but the silly little joke is what comics used to be about .
14 One can not say , for instance , that the artist 's portrait is serious but the wallpaper on which the picture hangs is not , or vice versa .
15 The south side of Princes Street with its gardens and the Old Town skyline is changeless but the shopping side of the street is rapidly being transformed .
16 ‘ You could say that the engine is wonderful but the chassis is a bit rusty . ’
17 It was acknowledged that dock identification was unsatisfactory but the identification of a person through a name which was only known by hearsay was almost equivalent to a dock identification .
18 The expertise in mines rescue work was great but the problem was enormous .
19 Arm-in-arming for Saturday shopping was permissible but the finer more subtle expressions of love between women were channelled into food , presents and a particular kind of teasing that conveyed the messages of knowing each other on different levels in ways which neutralized the intensity .
20 Frivolous frou-frou feathers , spikey mules and a high hairstyle are crucial but the main accessory is attitude — if you 're going to wear it , flaunt it .
21 Alternatively , if the relocation package is poor but the redundancy package generous , few staff will opt to move , leading to many redundancy claims and a recruitment and training problem when the company moves to the new area .
22 The sound is poor but the spirit of the music is there .
23 Clearly , a limitation is necessary but the financial incentives on the best land included in the extended LFA should be considerably lower than those available on the least amenable land where agricultural development is considerably constrained by climate , topography and soils .
24 The hon. Lady also knows that the search for a long-term repository for the storage of nuclear waste is continuing but the work has been suspended in Caithness .
25 My nose is pink but a bit of powder soon fixes that .
26 The tiny motherboard is upgradeable but the processor is underneath the disk drive cage , so you might have to remove the motherboard completely to upgrade it .
27 If the maul is stationary but the ball is being moved back and out in the maul then the referee will allow time for the ball to emerge .
28 Only 10% of current business is international but a major theme of AEA 's business plans is to expand this to 30% over five years .
29 Indeed , if only heartwood is present but the last ring itself post-dates the artist 's death , this too condemns the piece .
30 Detailed neurological examination was impossible but no focal abnormalities or neck rigidity were noted .
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