Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [prep] [det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is well known that many members of Parliament are among those who are deeply dissatisfied with Parliament 's ability to control the executive , or even to find out what it is doing .
2 Schoolteachers , power workers , post office engineers , staff at the Royal Mint and sections of the newspaper industry were among those who either struck or worked to rule in a bid to break the pay policy .
3 If your programme is like many we have seen , you will probably have more than 10 lectures per week , and you will have to work with greater efficiency and use more of the available 36 hours .
4 This chapter is for those who may need to make decisions about equipping a teaching institution with video recording hardware .
5 Mix er I 'm not sure what mix is on this one .
6 Paddlers who normally carry a throwbag in a buoyancy aid back pocket will continue to do so but this holster is for those who do not have back pockets in their buoyancy aids or , indeed , bank support members not wearing buoyancy aids at all .
7 And honour 's about all it is .
8 As ever , the people who will suffer from Labour 's failure are among those who are furthest removed from the political process ; who are most likely to believe that the outcome of the election has little to do with them ; and , hence , who are least likely to be taking part in the election postmortem on why Labour lost .
9 The highest rates of self-poisoning were among those who received antidepressants and minor tranquillizers .
10 The term ‘ caring ’ is too wide to have much utility and the use of ‘ tending ’ as an element of caring has made it clear that the focus is upon those who perform physical tasks for others .
11 The distinction is between those who are natives of Shetland and those who are not : these latter are , in a sense , ‘ real ’ incomers .
12 The Active Toning Kit is for those who have time to work on their body .
13 On the other hand , the onus is on those who advocate the view that the countryside offers spiritual uplift to the modern urban dweller to make it more , rather than less , accessible to those who live in towns .
14 It is legal in Britain to inflict the indefensible cruelty of hounding defenceless animals to death and therefore the terrible stain of this brutality is on all our hands .
15 The broad difference was between those who advocated some form of centralised planning and those who wished to see the government as the final umpire of a largely free market .
16 In that sense , criminal law against murder , rape , arson , robbery , theft , and assault are in all our interests , since in principle we all benefit equally from and are protected by their existence .
17 As you work along the chambers , you should find one that is empty , which will tell you that the blockage is between that one and the previous full one .
18 The wish to retain an awareness of the two-dimensional quality of the surface is behind all his work .
19 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
20 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
21 The power station was unlike any I had previously seen .
22 The party that night was like all their parties .
23 I 'm not all that sure how desirable a classless society is in that I ca n't visualize any society in the world which is classless .
24 Other costs include the payment of sickness or invalidity benefits to those suffering from diseases caused by smoking and the payment of widow 's pension and other family social security benefits to the dependant 's of those who die as a result of their smoking .
25 The only variation is between those who say the provenance of the wastes is irrelevant , and those who argue that imports of PCBs and other hazardous material should be discourged , because only a tough import policy will ensure that other countries build their own plants .
26 This vision is like that which Eliot praised in his childhood favourite , Kipling , whose Puck of Pook 's Hill and Rewards and Fairies particularly ‘ give at once a sense of the antiquity of England , of the number of generations and peoples who have labored the soil and in turn been buried beneath it , and of the contemporaneity of the past ’ .
27 No-one answered that , but the thought was in all their minds .
28 But the initial impression of that first-night audience in June 1945 , a month after the end of the war in Europe , seems to have been that the music was above all something new , a fresh beginning , or , for those who disliked it ( a fair number ) , a regrettable break with the English tradition .
29 Samuel Johnson , the lexicographer and wit was among those who , given the mortality rates of seamen and their privations on board , thought it nothing less than cruel for a father to take Campbell 's advice and commit his son to a life at sea .
30 The equations they will give you in the book are in that one .
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