Example sentences of "[noun sg] be more [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Stork was not entirely sure how the headhunting process worked ; indeed , there were no guides to the subject and all the existing purveyors of search are more or less self-taught .
2 A horse 's more or less inherited position in the herd can be altered by unusual conditions .
3 Of the seats where Labour is second , there are 31 where it is behind by 5 per cent or less and a further 11 where the Liberal Democrat vote is more than twice the Tory majority and a differential split in Labour 's favour would produce a Labour gain .
4 For example , in the first column , Greater York figure is more or less doubled .
5 Foreign investment was more or less prohibited ( it had to contribute to the development of the domestic industry ) .
6 As sale voucher schemes were extended , the crime was more and more concentrated near district borders .
7 Navigation was very much a specialist skill and the maps of the desert were more or less blank .
8 But Birtwistle 's work is more than twice the length of Mason 's , and he more than justifies his larger span .
9 If the last column is more than twice that of the first , then the company 's profit trend will be enhanced ( positive measurement distortion ) .
10 Unfortunately , as we have already said , casein is more or less a mixture of cheese and lime and under prolonged moist conditions casein behaves very like cheese .
11 It is simply that the type is more or less stable , established by convention , whereas the token is not since it is conditioned by context .
12 But her desire to be a ballerina was more than just an adolescent fancy and she returned to New York to study at the American School of Ballet .
13 In the nineteenth century , divorce was more or less impossible except for the very wealthy , initially only through a private Act of parliament .
14 His attitude was more than just mockery .
15 The rest of us can make do with Profile 's fine new compilation ‘ Avanti ! ’ , 11 tracks to prove that Italian dance was more than just a passing fad .
16 Highgate Cemetery was more or less on his way to the theatre , and although it was almost all old graves without flowers , he had seen some being left regularly by some nutty Communist at the grave of Karl Marx .
17 Within a few minutes the basket was more than half full of food , and Mary was pouring the soup into the thermos .
18 The discovery was more or less accidental , because Herschel was carrying out a completely different kind of investigation .
19 Although these four authors address themselves to rather different problems , and do not appear to agree on a number of issues , their combined views on the importance of soil erosion are more or less consistent , and quite clear — its importance is exaggerated , agricultural technology initiated by both officials and farmers can respond satisfactorily , and the resources at disposal are massive and are constantly being created by technology itself .
20 WORKING-CLASS women living in poverty are more than twice as likely to smoke as middle-class females from professional backgrounds , according to a study published today .
21 International relations in Europe from the middle of the nineteenth century to the First World War were more and more influenced by several factors which , if not always new , were growing rapidly in importance .
22 But I think it is reasonable to observe that the major issues of the Falklands War were more or less written in the stars .
23 In other words , interactivity is really just another word for the ways in which a user can search and browse through an electronic database , the process being more or less constrained by the control software .
24 The man whose own animals are missing when wanted has , in his turn , to ‘ hire' ’ , and so there is a continuous round of misappropriation , to which the whole community is more or less privy . ’
25 cos as land reform 's more and more successful then presumably more people were becoming middle peasants .
26 As several million years are required for the transfer of a significant amount of heat to the surface of continental lithosphere , it has been suggested that hot spots are most likely to develop where the lithosphere is more or less stationary with respect to sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies as this would allow time for sustained heating to occur .
27 The computerisation of land registration is more or less completed , and this means that many of the delays formerly experienced are no longer so acute .
28 The move is more or less an insurance policy that Apple will at least have a place as a client in the enterprise .
29 The move is more or less an insurance policy that Apple will at least have a place as a client in the enterprise .
30 Although the spelling may be very different in the different words , the sound is more or less the same .
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