Example sentences of "[noun sg] be feel [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Only exceptional damp , unusual cold , excessive rot , and decrepitude to the point of collapse are felt to be legitimate subjects of discussion .
2 In regards to its nature , we shall be principally occupied , not with what Mind is felt to be by its possessor , but rather with its operations as apparent to an onlooker .
3 The only guide available to what may be very popular in the future is felt to be what has been very popular in the past .
4 Indeed , the idea that women might take control of their desire to the point where men come to be judged as objects of pleasure is felt to be so threatening as to be tabooed .
5 The following night , Vega was prepared to go on but it was decided that since the crowd seemed even more hyper than the previous evening , the risk of damage to singer and gear was felt to be too great .
6 The following night , Vega was prepared to go on but it was decided that since the crowd seemed even more hyper than the previous evening , the risk of damage to singer and gear was felt to be too great .
7 reputation — the preferred institution was felt to be of higher quality
8 Parliamentary sovereignty was felt to be compatible with the rule of law primarily because ‘ the commands of Parliament … can be uttered only through the combined actions of its three constituent parts ’ and that , ‘ unlike a sovereign monarch who is not only a legislator but a ruler , that is , head of the executive government , has never hitherto been able to use the powers of the government as a means of interfering with the regular course of law ’ .
9 If the parent of the opposite sex was unconsciously seductive with this adult when a young child , and if the excitement of the love of and for this parent was felt to be too dangerous , or was disapproved of by the parent of the same sex , passion and excitement within marriage may continue to be forbidden by an inner imperative .
10 Rationalisation and reform were felt to be needed , and it was assumed that the resulting improvements would benefit all the interested parties .
11 Previously , Kiss have had to print different sleeve for the German market because their distinctive logo was felt to be too close to the nazi SS emblem .
12 Previously , Kiss have had to print different sleeve for the German market because their distinctive logo was felt to be too close to the nazi SS emblem .
13 In a society which drew no sharp line between the natural and the supernatural , a very real presence of the saints in heaven was felt to be where their bodily remains rested .
14 Ironically , this intervention was felt to be unhelpful to the Prime Minister because it seemed to lend legitimacy to the possibility of a contest in the autumn .
15 Force , oblige , cause , get and occasion , on the other hand , all evoke a succession between cause and effect , the infinitive event being felt to be the result of the previous action of the causal agent .
16 One possible answer to this is that such a person is felt to be not only a representative but also representative as a person of those who chose her/him .
17 After all , if the self is felt to be nothing , any strategy adopted to enhance or promote it , desperate though it may be , is a step towards what most of us would consider to be health , and an action necessary for survival .
18 After the hard autumn fighting in the Champagne the rest was felt to be well deserved .
19 Just how little the opening of a new Front in the east matched the widespread desire for a rapid end to the war , and how risky the extension of the conflict was felt to be , can be seen in the admission , a few months later , by Adolf Wagner , Gauleiter of Munich and Upper Bavaria , at a meeting of Party functionaries , that if Hitler had consulted the German people before the start of the war in the east about its readiness for the Russian campaign , the vast majority of the population would have said : ‘ My God , keep your hands off , my dear Adolf Hitler .
20 The commercial rate was felt to be a still greater source of distortion because of its rather unpredictable incidence .
21 For many people a prime symptom of stress is loss of their sense of humour : playfulness is replaced by earnestness or snappiness ; casual jokes that one would normally return in good spirit are felt to be wounding and hurtful .
22 Demands were to be made for a complete ban on foreign music on the radio and the exclusion of particular styles of western dress , but these outbursts of cultural nationalism were felt to be an inevitable part of a cultural renaissance .
23 Nevertheless , the occasional problems of delay , inefficiency or incompetence , overcharging , unhelpfulness , inconsiderateness and lack of communication were felt to be of sufficient concern to demand redress by the professions .
24 What Britten has done , in effect , is to create in his audience 's minds another dimension in which an unseen but imagined space is felt to be lull of unheard but imagined music .
25 ( a ) the cost , which in respect of a ‘ full ’ audit in the strict sense was felt to be prohibitive ; and
26 At first contemporary " mass " society was felt to be conformist , debased , and unimaginative .
27 Areas where the legislation was felt to be insufficiently strong included many rights which were considered to be beneficial in theory but ineffectual in practice .
28 The legislation was felt to be a success , for in 1898 the types of crimes covered by it were expanded .
29 Central government was felt to be too remote from the people ; they lacked a sufficient sense of participation in its affairs and were beset by a sense of unresolved grievance .
30 Advertising is felt to be one of the most important first choice marketing techniques by over 43 percent of firms .
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