Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adj] rather [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The conditions for the application of the defence are cumulative rather than alternatives , so that if the publisher fails to meet any one of them , the defence fails .
2 The decisive qualifications for profitable Bible study are spiritual rather than intellectual .
3 The latter phenomena have been extensively analysed in the limit B 0 , in which the Ikeda mapping becomes one-dimensional and can be realised in a so-called hybrid system in which the feedback is electronic rather than optical .
4 The guidance is persuasive rather than prescriptive and has a lower level of authority than statements of auditing standards .
5 On , so their effect is negative rather than positive .
6 We also saw that context can have an effect on the speed of visual word recognition , although experiments by Fischler and Bloom ( 1979 ; 1980 ) suggest that the effect is inhibitory rather than facilitatory , with a word taking longer to identify when preceded by a context which makes it semantically anomalous .
7 The dangers of excessive alcohol are perhaps more obvious and the real problem here is that the effect is cumulative rather than merely temporary .
8 Furthermore , in the UK the bulk of investment is institutional rather than private .
9 The production of these ideological forms would be by people whose labour is mental rather than material , whose product has effects in a world of ideas and social relations rather than the material world of objects .
10 ‘ I see your condition is diet-controlled rather than by the use of insulin . ’
11 He knelt to check the old man 's pulse only to discover that the President was uncaring rather than unconscious .
12 Indeed , most companies responding admitted to employing headhunters principally for such strategic positions as Gozzard indicated , so inevitably their usage of search was exceptional rather than everyday .
13 Dr Clarke contends that while Keynesianism was overthrown on the pretext that it did not ‘ work ’ , the collapse was political rather than theoretical .
14 His intention was philanthropic rather than commercial .
15 The soloist , Crispian Steele-Perkins , plays it almost impeccably yet , once again , I felt the effect was decorative rather than assertive .
16 Nigel had the same beak of a nose , but , without the dark eyes , its effect was comic rather than forceful .
17 His approach to modernism was aesthetic rather than sociological or mechanistic , although he built a fine primary school at Whitwood Mere , near Castleford , Yorkshire ( 1939 ) .
18 Mapping applications The precise and particular methods of engineering geophysics can be invaluable in geological mapping , where problems of structure and stratigraphy are local rather than regional .
19 I shall try to show that these three frames of reference are complementary rather than self-sufficient or mutually exclusive .
20 With only 32 horse power available I had expected a considerably longer ground , but we were off the ground in about 150 metres , although from then on acceleration and climb were adequate rather than startling .
21 Originally infers that the work is innovative rather than derivative , and that it has involved skill and creativity .
22 An even more important distinction is the fact that the remedial work is expressive rather than productive .
23 Each of the component words , who , is , the and girl has variant forms which can be associated with " Creole " or " LE " , as follows : The first version , in line 4 , of who is the girl ? is probably Samuel 's most " London " version , although even here girl is gyal rather than the London gel which Chris uses consistently .
24 In 1939 fashions were similar to the 1960s vogue , which may explain why Mr Cross believed the girl was real rather than an apparition .
25 Unlike reference , substitution and ellipsis are grammatical rather than semantic relationships .
26 In the speech Gorbachev expressed his personal support for the United Nations , which had ‘ increasingly manifested its ability to act as a unique international centre in the service of peace and security ’ , and repeated his belief that the most important issues that faced the world community were global rather than regional in character .
27 Despite the publicity ( and acrimony ) surrounding the ‘ two cultures ’ debate in the early 1960s ( Snow 1964 ; Leavis and Yudkin 1962 ) , the distinction is implicit rather than overt in Robbins ( 1963 ) , although the worries about the intake of maths/science-based students show through in several sections ( see , for example , Robbins 1963 , Table 45 ) .
28 Has arranged a blood pressure shot using a digital blood pressure reader : still uses a cuff and pad but readout is digital rather than mercury .
29 That is , adjudication is deliberative rather than deductive ; it is concerned with the meaning of lex in a contingent situation and ‘ meanings are never deduced or found but are always attributed or given ’ .
30 It would appear that the objection to local income tax is political rather than practical .
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