Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adj] [adv] when " in BNC.

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1 First past the post and governments elected by a minority of the vote are sustainable only when there is a turnabout of minority governments .
2 They looked as solid as reasonable to expect in the circumstances … the midfield were looking to get forward , and being caught on the break is fair enough when chasing a cup tie … and Goodman is one of the better players around … suprisingly fast .
3 Rudolf Dreikurs maintains that talk is effective only when raised voices imply some impending action , and then only momentarily .
4 The equation is true even when the eigenvalues are not all different .
5 Many feel that so called rebel tours such as the one lead by Mike Gatting in 1982 did more harm than good.Cricketers were accused of sacrificing sport and principles chasing sizeable pay cheques and on their return were unrepentant even when they got three year bans from international cricket .
6 The late 1980s will be remembered by many for their tragic rail accidents , but 1984 witnessed the deliberate , spectacular and entertaining wrecking of Class 46 locomotive No 46009 to demonstrate that a nuclear flask is safe even when struck by a 100mph train .
7 His fame is odder still when you consider this : Hoover was chasing small-time hoods at a time when organised crime was building an empire on Prohibition and its consequences .
8 Pete says there 's great freedom in the air … you can float to wherever you want to … the sensation is great especially when you are flying on the last wind of the day
9 This file is self-extracting so when you run SS31 , the program automatically extracts all the files which make-up Screen Scenes .
10 The more closely the dynamics behind mass unrest are examined , the clearer it becomes that mass political militancy was generated from below rather than whipped up from above , and that ‘ intelligentsia initiative was successful only when it reflected … basic popular impulse . ’
11 Political intervention was advisable even when an applicant had the necessary financial strength to make a purchase , and if a gift of a commission was a greater compliment , permission to purchase was nonetheless gratefully accepted .
12 It was because of this that ‘ rest is possible only when fatigue demands it .
13 Clerical taxation by the king was allowable only when and so long as the realm was endangered , a condition which the clergy were to judge .
14 successful in doing these schemes and because resources on we are hard pressed , resources on the ground are thin then when people ring up with these schemes that we get it off the ground they meet this negative sort of answer when they ring in , that 's the only sort of er liaison with themselves and the police and they 're met with that , and their reaction then is down the pub tell their mates do n't ring in cos its a reaction , and that 's the trouble with us being , as it were too successful before , better to be less successful , but we 'd have more staff at the centre like Lincolnshire etc to actually get the difference from when somebody does the odd person does ring in they get a response to it
15 This ‘ RG ’ equipment ( see Appendix 3 ) sent a beam of' invisible infra-red light from an Aldis-type lamp , the signal being visible only when the beam was on the little black box camera-sized receiver with a screen which , when the beam was intercepted , showed a green spot against speckle of' green pin-pricks of infra-red light from the stars .
16 The feeling was stronger still when Louisa opened the front door ; the smell of steam , of soapsuds and wet sheets was unmistakable .
17 But the constitution was oligarchic enough when Straho — or his source — described it .
18 Thus , the defence of mistake is available only when the mistake was that of the defendant himself , Birkenhead & District Co-op Society v. Roberts ( 1970 D.C. ) .
19 Our bewilderment was greater still when our carefully selected clothing was found to be far in excess of the requirement of the moment .
20 Nevertheless , in a group of neurotic patients , a placebo was effective even when they knew the pills they were taking were inert .
21 In-service training is desirable only when it fulfils a felt need .
22 Ready cash is always there ( at least , until it has been spent ) ; by contrast , cash in a bank is available only when the bank is open , and when the customer can get to it .
23 Equality is possible only when people are systematically denied the freedom to choose .
24 In some ways , these shapes serve to show how versatile the TrueType system in Windows 3.1 really is , since font rendering is perfect even when the text is bent out of all proportion — so if you 're still running Windows 3.0 , upgrade now !
25 The degree or rate of gloom is important even when the fact of it has been accepted .
26 Thus , a claim to political power is legitimate only when the claimant can invoke some source of authority beyond or above himself .
27 Her daughter 's face was exquisite even when she was terrified .
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