Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [noun] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 As we have seen , a broadening of library skills to " study skills " was a goal for the new deputy head , and both the proposal document and the minutes of the reconstituted committee are evidence of his relative success .
2 This particular passage is Bukharin at his sophistical worst , since he rails against the ‘ freedom to labour ’ in a manner that dodges the real freedom that workers can obtain by forming trade unions ; this was not a negation of the ‘ freedom to labour ’ , but rather a redefinition of that freedom in a positive manner .
3 That he is still here after ten years of international rugby is testimony to his remarkable physical durability .
4 Revenge and restoration were part of his duty .
5 Although she describes a stereotypical beau , Leapor emphasizes that Strephon 's artificial appearance is part of his strategy to deceive Celia .
6 It was said in his defence that he had been through a tough war as an Infantry NCO and the award of the Military Medal was proof of his bravery .
7 Staring balefully from the 30-year-old 's office wall are pictures of his six predecessors .
8 But you should remember that a regiment 's champion is part of his unit and can not leave it .
9 Remember that a regiment 's champion is part of his unit and can not leave it .
10 ‘ They were , of course , both clients of Martinez , and all this free publicity was grist to his mill .
11 Meanwhile , Mr de Kooning , 86 , who is no longer active , is the focus of competition to gain access to work stored in his studio , with the ultimate prize being control of his estate .
12 Her father was president of his own securities corporation , an East Coast patrician — ; ‘ a Mammonite , ’ Edward called him — ‘ a man whose feelings have been arrested by money , power , the dead hand of his ancestors .
13 Mr Clinton said the successful completion of the GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ) Uruguay Round was part of his national economic strategy to expand trade , but he also insisted on ‘ fair trade rules in international markets ’ and spoke of ‘ appropriate safeguards ’ for US workers .
14 All night we listened to the sound of guns and shouting , but in the morning , when the sun came up , the captain was master of his ship again .
15 That he got into his stride so quickly at the pre-Wimbledon Queen 's Club tournament was evidence of his timing ability , an ability that holds good for both sports .
16 Steve Jewell was second in his class …
17 The screaming and shriek were noises in his head .
18 Somewhere on another plane of existence she knew that he was pacing himself , tuning himself to her slower needs : that his tiny muted cries of painful frustration were evidence of his consideration as he aroused her to an aching , trembling plateau of desire .
19 What he pulled out and flung on the bed were garments of his own : a thick jacket and breeches and boots .
20 Man is master of his own destiny and must make his god accordingly , i.e. the Created God of this book .
21 As for the slogan that man is master of his fate , no doubt it has its uses in combating a fatalism which could contract still further the limits within which he can influence the spontaneous by reason and will .
22 Today , this toughened man is master in his own house .
23 The plot is more than faintly ludicrous but the music is Rossini at his most inspired — even when one suspects that he is writing with tongue in cheek .
24 Hobbes 's discovery of geometry and his growing sense of the importance of motion in understanding the world were milestones in his intellectual development .
25 A judicial factor was appointed on the sequestrated estate of a partner in a licensed business , his share in the partnership property being part of his sequestrated estate .
26 It had been his custom every year at Pentecost to distribute robes to the knights whom he maintained in his household ; such acts of largesse were part of his duty as a good lord .
27 The vultures are already circling around Howard Kendall , suggesting Everton 's slump to third from bottom of the Premier League is confirmation of his folly in returning to the scene of his greatest triumphs .
28 Princess Margaret Hospital is part of his beat and he 's taken to the task quite literally .
29 Descartes ' need for certainty was part of his religious sense .
30 Moreover , the performance at the Park Lane Hotel was Joyce in his more restrained style , endeavouring to insinuate Fascism among the uncommitted and the influential .
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