Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 IN the freezer at Tesco , 4lb packs of frozen petit pois are reduced by 80p to £1.69 and 2lb packs of frozen pommes noisettes are 65p , from £1.15 .
2 Even the steam trains operated by British Rail are hauled by locomotives privately owned , restored and maintained by enthusiast groups .
3 The bulk of the remainder are held by companies who show a strong preference for holding the stock of companies with whom they have important trading connections .
4 Elections for 105 seats in the 151-member Tsogdu are by universal suffrage of all adults over the age of 17 ; 10 are reserved for religious bodies and the remainder are occupied by officials , ministers and members of the Royal Advisory Council .
5 Politics have their bases in perceived interests of the working class , but their form and direction are mediated by capacities for action , and these are determined by local social structures ( p 62 ) .
6 Swithland Woods are ancient deciduous woodlands , and with Bradgate Park are administered by Trustees with financial help from the County and Leicester City Councils .
7 What does it mean to say that periods of structural change are marked by changes in the direction and structure of industrial production ?
8 But is it enough to say that periods of structural change are marked by crises ?
9 To encourage the basically extrovert person to develop his praying in a way more suited to the introvert is to do him a disservice , and since many books on prayer are written by introverts we can quickly fall into this trap .
10 Denials of prejudice and racism are made by politicians on the New Right ( Gordon and Klug , 1986 ; see also , Schoen , 1977 , and Studlar , 1974 , for examples from Enoch Powell 's speeches ) .
11 Four years in the making , the three-day event had itself been organised by a team of 15 people based in the US , Hong Kong , South Africa , Brussels , Leeds and Manchester , all communicating by electronic mail ( so-called ‘ e-mail ’ , in which messages typed into a personal computer are sent by telephone line to a big , central computer that stores them until they are called up by one or more addressees using their own computers ) .
12 Several additional uses for the computer are described by George E. Mason ( 1983 ) : using the computer to administer diagnostic tests ; letting the child teach the computer ; and using the computer as a " focus for student hostility " ( ! ) .
13 Attempts to exclude liability for negligence are governed by s. 2 .
14 Thus , the use of tax records means that income may be missing because it is not taxable or not declared ( the adjustments made to reported income are discussed by Pechman and Okner , 1974 ) .
15 This had in part been justified by cost conditions — a larger domestic consumer was cheaper per kWh to supply than a small one — though in the conditions of shortage which prevailed it was arguably foolish to maintain such a strong incentive to increased usage .
16 Work is continuing but research already shows that subjunctive , imperative and indicative moods of the verb are marked by tone , as are preverbal particles marking tense and other semantics .
17 On the one hand , the rates of remuneration are regarded by solicitors as low .
18 They carry Oto Melara and Breda Bofors guns , Otomat and Aspide missiles , and the radar and electronics are supplied by Philips in Holland at Holland Signal .
19 Glasgow , Scotland : Parts of the new Eagle Star building are protected by Interpon D architectural powder coatings from International Paint .
20 Heavy fuel oil and gas-oil are sold by PIP .
21 Students , tutors and the curriculum are supervised by representatives of MSC and unnecessary luxuries like crêches attached to women 's courses are conspicuous by their absence ‘ in case women become dependent upon support services that will not be provided in the wider society ’ .
22 Its atmosphere and suspense are nursed by locality — Petersburg — in ways which ca n't be escaped but which often get misreported .
23 ‘ I suddenly felt that I was doing it to a bunch of people that actually understood what Lear 's pain was about , whereas I do n't standing on the stage at the National Theatre ’ : Brian Cox 's concerns about audience reactions and the nature of the dramatic experience are echoed by others .
24 How far the teacher will be able to meet these conditions will depend on the constraints imposed by the ward , how periods of clinical experience are viewed by tutorial and clinical staff and what kind of learning the teacher wishes to promote in the student ; and this depends , very much , on how the teacher views the process of nursing .
25 Differentials in wealth and opportunity are examined by class , gender , race and geographical location by Hudson and Williams ( 1989 ) .
26 For breakthroughs in religion are made by individuals who make sense of the mystery of existence not in their minds but in their hearts .
27 A Fat Bloke who supports Man U informs us at length about some 5-year rule under which English Welshmen called Speed are deemed by UEFA to be Not Foreign , a rule which the management of Stuttgart Internazionale are strangely ignorant of .
28 Most reported incidents of food poisoning are caused by bacteria , parasites or viruses found in sewage .
29 Payment of principal and interest on the Stock are guaranteed by LASMO Securities Limited , a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company , and the guarantee is secured by a charge over £187 million of the AUK Notes held by LASMO Securities Limited .
30 Observation and experiment are guided by theory
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