Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If so , where was the general coverage of the recent study showing poor pregnancy outcome among women receiving routine Doppler ultrasound scans ? — or of the large scale trial in the United States showing that half of the coronary angiography being undertaken is unnecessary or postponable ?
2 The claim that unschooled Wolof children have not developed the ‘ logical functions ’ of language will appear then as no more than a statement that the conventions in which their thinking is expressed are different from those of the researcher herself .
3 Whether economic loss is included is unknown but it would be logical if it were .
4 One of the players whose future is assured is 18-year-old Jamie Pollock , who is set to return to the side tonight after struggling to hold down a regular place .
5 I hope that people will realise that what Labour is saying is inaccurate .
6 The sense in which the term is used is formal-legalistic , and implies that accountability is largely one way ( i.e. of teachers to employers ) and that accountability procedures involve sanctions ( e.g. withdrawal of resources and other forms of support ) .
7 While proteins themselves are synthesized in the cytoplasm , whether or not a protein is made is dependent on whether or not the gene that contains the information for that protein is active ( Chapter 5 ) .
8 The reading-list to which Leonard 's mind was directed was broad and enticing .
9 The work being undertaken is extensive .
10 The way that a scene is lit is important : in general , the best lighting for outdoor video is slightly hazy sunshine coming at an angle from behind the camera .
11 The simplicity of the bare interiors , the view of the landscape , the columns of the portico where the scene is set are reminiscent of Fra Angelico : tiny details in the hair-style , the hands and the folds of the angel 's garments are derived from some of his most famous creations , such as the Cortona ‘ Annunciation ’ , the Montecarlo ‘ Annunciation ’ and , for the Virgin 's face and attitude and the embroidery of her cloak , the ‘ Adoration of the Magi ’ at the Museo di San Marco , Florence .
12 Well then , two infinitely large metal plates to which a constant voltage is applied are equivalent to two oppositely charged sheets .
13 The Institute is situated is pleasant rural surroundings and offers excellent sports , recreational and social facilities .
14 The lengths to which the Labour party will go to rush to the defence of its trade union paymasters whenever this issue is raised are remarkable .
15 In Orwell 's time , Wigan was as much a cotton town as it was a coal town , and if his excavation of the elements of exploitation was to have been adequate , it could not have omitted the experience of women in the cotton industry .
16 If rumour speaks true , the pattern on which the plan was based was obsolescent before the second five-year phase of the plan was far advanced .
17 What , exactly , was it that Strawberry was saying was El-ahrairah ?
18 Now what the Labour Group are doing is super , but it does n't go far enough .
19 When the author being subscribed was poor , then the subscription was also a visible act of charity .
20 In this way , an opinion is prejudiced , if the judgements on which the opinion is based are faulty or even totally lacking .
21 The way the picture is used is misleading .
22 These do require a certain degree of inference , but it is clear that under some conditions such remains can suggest the name of a sponsor , the reason for sponsorship , and the presence of a respected craftsmen or group of craftsmen At Avenches — and probably at Bavay — in France , and at Seriana and Timgad in North Africa , the names of individual craftsmen are attested ( although , as is shown by the inscription from Timgad , even differing ideas of the practice in which the craftsman was involved are apparent ) .
23 The probability of a constituency being selected was proportional to its size .
24 When the product or service being exchanged is complex ( as is the case with health care ) , it is either impossible or extremely costly to specify in advance in a written contract every contingency that might affect the transaction .
25 The review procedure being studied was new at the school , but similar reviews are not .
26 The emotions unleashed as the Wall is dismantled are incalculable .
27 The historical context in which the evidence is acquired is irrelevant .
28 The appropriate design of the underlying surface ( substrate ) on which the antibody is immobilised is crucial in achieving greater control .
29 A further problem of bias comes when the total group ( or ‘ sample frame ’ ) from which the sample is taken is inadequate .
30 The random selection of cases is an approximation to experimental randomisation if it can be assumed that the population from which the sample is drawn is homogeneous : a reasonable assumption when dealing with a population of seeds , plants , germs , etc .
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