Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Arsenical copper could never have been easy to make or work with ; during smelting , clouds of poisonous arsenious oxide are produced and in re-melting the alloy some of the arsenic may be lost .
2 No doubt Eliot 's own fears and uncertainty were compounded when in June a bomb fell upon the offices of Faber and Faber ( fortunately , he was not up on the roof at the time ) .
3 An information gap is created and in order to tell the complete story , groups need to share the information they have .
4 For example , the real spending of a department or service might be the same under whatever system of accounting is adopted but in a given year , using cash accounting , the cash payments could be postponed by as little as 24 hours so that the accounts record a lower figure .
5 The wheel was removed and in its place still stands a turbine .
6 On the one hand , it seemed clear from the studies in five authorities that the Act 's emphasis on partnership was recognised and in general accepted .
7 The supremacy of equity was established though in the next eighty years this supremacy was by no means unchallenged .
8 This saved unnecessary handling , and also avoided work being neglected whilst in a half-finished condition .
9 The remedy is a compromise in which activity in one sub-system such as that which incorporates work is studied but in the context of sensitivity to external influences .
10 A possible reconciliation is to argue that in Collins the accused 's intent was to rape , if necessary , whereas in Jones & Smith there was no " if necessary " about the intent to steal .
11 Between closely related taxa , resource partitioning is found as in the case of squirrels in Gabon , where two of the nine coexisting species are found in special habitats , the other seven being taxonomically rather diverse : four of these are essentially arboreal , the other three ground foragers , and in each group there are differences in size such that food is partitioned by hardness and size .
12 The declaration of trust referred to in the previous section should contain not only the trusts upon which the former matrimonial home is held but in addition clauses relating to : ( i ) Repairs — Outside trustees will particularly wish to ensure that they are under no obligation to see to the maintenance and repair of the property , and under no liability in respect of lack of maintenance and repair ( see p95 ) .
13 From a distance it is easy to believe that a child is counting when in fact he is only reciting a number sequence and touching or moving objects at random .
14 The colour reproduction was inaccurate , and the screen refresh rate was too slow , so that the mouse pointer was lost while in motion .
15 In 1904 the first Pan-Presbyterian Council was held and in 1905 the Baptist World Alliance was formed at Exeter Hall .
16 TWO members of a Granada TV news team were robbed while in the US to film Laura before she and her parents left for home .
17 The surgical team were scrubbed and in Theatre ready , but Andrew Barrett , the paediatrician , was waiting for them as they pulled up .
18 The other aim is to suggest that in order to understand ‘ how teachers teach the unteachable ’ one must recognize the manner in which they are engaged in managing a delicate balance of perceptions — that they be like and unlike schools .
19 The automation thus de-skilled the job both in terms of how the job was classified and in terms of how much knowledge was required to do it .
20 A point was made that in the morning the S.M.T. service 281 from Kirknewton to Edinburgh is routed via East Calder .
21 The results were striking , especially when bright colour decoration was added as in the Cathedral of S. Basil in Moscow ( 249 ) which represents the culmination of the Byzantine style in Russia and shows also how far Russian Byzantine forms had diverged from Constantinople and the West .
22 In 1892 , the school managers ’ book reveals that the infant classroom was enlarged and in 1893 the ‘ excellent master 's house ’ was built by public subscription at a total cost of £613.7.3d .
23 His confidence was justified and in mid June he is home at 61 Shelgate Road and their correspondence becomes a thin trickle of notes and letter-cards as they make arrangements to meet when Helen was free from her work .
24 Alida went round to the far side of the great bed , the unseemly bed , in which her mother 's shrunken body was lost as in a great sea .
25 The importance of punishment in the community was restated but in such a way that electronic tagging was seen as a tough option .
26 In 1903 a hair room was erected and in 1905 a chemical laboratory .
27 The most important example of this will be Bailees for reward i.e. a Marina or Repairer storing a vessel for a fee — if the vessel is damaged whilst in their custody and control there may well be a possibility of recovering our outlay from them .
28 In a three-quarter view of the head the knot of hair at the back of the head is seen as in a profile view , and the double outline of the foremost shoulder gives the impression that the top of it has been tipped up into the picture plane .
29 Less water is needed than in the traditional methods , resulting in a number of technical savings and efficiencies .
30 Although evidence is accumulating that in a number of birds females prefer long-tailed mates , the role of natural selection in tail elaboration has been largely ignored .
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