Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [noun] in its " in BNC.

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1 We are a class-ridden society and no one feels this more than we Northern middle-class girls ; but the one quality which transcends class consciousness is self-consciousness in its literal sense , the ability to be oneself in whatever company .
2 That there are distanciations and self-reflexivities is apparent , but to attribute them mechanically to Brecht or to modernism is formalist in its most naive sense .
3 The last political triumph of the old aristocracy was the overthrow of Godoy — an obscure , Estremaduran hidalgo who , in social origins , was a typical servant of a monarchy whose only test was zeal in its service .
4 His experience of mathematics teaching in his first post was SMILE in its early days .
5 The corresponding price is £175 in its most luxurious band of hotels .
6 Motivation is interest in its Triton Management System .
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