Example sentences of "[noun sg] which can [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some have been accused — rightly or wrongly — of preferring not to sell all their available time rather than to reduce their price , and most areas now follow a practice which can only really work in a seller 's market — ‘ pre-emption ’ .
2 The reason for this specialization is our need to understand this specific and unique method of accounting which can not easily be understood from a commercial accounting perspective .
3 It should then contain a generative formulation which can not easily be suppressed or denied ( T. Turner 1977 ) , for such domains of power lying between functional systems of control and disorder are , as Victor Turner ( 1977 : 45 ) reminds us , ‘ not merely reversive , they are often subversive , representing radical critiques of the central structures [ of a system ] ’ .
4 Some linguists argue that such equivalence does not exist ( Bolinger 1977 ) while others like Coveney argue that a weaker kind of equivalence ( of a kind which can not however easily be specified ) is sufficient for identifying structures as variants of an underlying variable .
5 The spectacle of tiny little Vietnamese dressed in boy scout uniforms , even though they may have been ‘ Vanguard Youth ’ , carrying placards bigger than they were which said ‘ Independence or Death ’ was just another element in the enthusiasm which can equally well be described as revolutionary nationalism or national revolution .
6 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
7 This issue involves mixed questions of fact and law which can not satisfactorily be resolved at this stage .
8 It is possible to use in a diesel engine , but the main purpose is to make it possible to use unleaded petrol in a vehicle which can not normally use it .
9 Trying to dissuade a father from sending his gay teenager to a psychiatrist ; calming someone who 's just been beaten up in a police cell ; sharing someone 's joy at discovering that there 's another lesbian in the next village , all serve to remove some of the complacency which can so easily set in .
10 It 's a bald statistic which can not really tell what life is like for those bound up in its flat figures .
11 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
12 One problem of assignment has already been encountered : in Chapter 9 we saw how , although and are clearly distinct in most contexts , there are other contexts where we find a sound which can not clearly be said to belong to one or other of these two phonemes .
13 Section 69 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 entitles any party to a defamation action to require a trial by jury , " unless the court is of the opinion that the trial requires any prolonged examination of documents or accounts or any scientific or local investigation which can not conveniently be made by a jury " .
14 In addition , MRI may show extension of the tumour through the chest wall which can not readily be seen on computed tomogram because of the lack of contrast between the tumour and chest wall muscles .
15 For instance , a product may carry a price which can not easily be reduced or discounted , for instance because of the need to cover heavy Research and Development costs .
16 He said this , in the thirty years that have passed since the previous Police Act became law , the old tripartite structure which consisted police authorities , chief constables and the Home Secretary , has provided an effective police service which can still truthfully be described as not only the best in the world , but also the envy of the world .
17 In the remaining solo items you will hear a magical sense of undulation in ‘ Des Abends ’ and in the central langsamer of ‘ Intermezzo I ’ ( Kreisleriana ) Cortot shows how it is possible to clarify writing which can so easily seem wilfully obscure .
18 One view sees retirement as no more than a form of compulsory unemployment within an economy which can no longer offer full employment .
19 There are therefore different aspects of the functionalist style which can most readily be seen as tensions between empiricism and rationalism or positivism and idealism .
20 The aims of the proposed research project are , first , to test the adequacy of democratic theory in relation to trends toward ‘ globalisation ’ — the growth of complex interconnections and interrelations between states and societies — and , second , to develop a new framework for democratic thought which can perhaps more satisfactorily articulate the relation between national and international conditions and processes .
21 On the contrary , it will inevitably have to be written as the history of a world which can no longer be contained within the limits of ‘ nations ’ and ‘ nation-states ’ as these used to be defined , either politically , or economically , or culturally , or even linguistically .
22 The term acquisition is more frequently associated with the child 's mastery of higher-order understanding which can not easily be reduced to the additive effect of different learning experiences .
23 The issue is not whether the UK should back nuclear safety research at Ispra ( those of us in the field in the UK are all in favour of that ) , but whether the majority of the resources ( and even an increase in the planned budget ) should be concentrated on a single project which can not possibly give results until late 1986 .
24 As such it could be seen as an alternative to armed conflict , an alternative to blind acceptance of an unsatisfactory and perhaps explosive status quo in the control of disputed territory , and even as an alternative to democratic political methods of dispute resolution which can so often lead to legitimately and dangerously dissatisfied minorities .
25 However , it is the next and last version which can most reasonably be regarded as the true Pacific .
26 This seems a gross overstatement , as it includes assets such as National Trust land which can hardly later be sold — even in theory — like shares in ICI .
27 In these respects , the EC has taken a very proactive role , guided by the importance of the single market which can not effectively exist if intellectual property rights vary from one Member State to another or if they can be used to restrict the free movement of goods .
28 Those sectors of production which can not easily move ( by virtue of the fixed capital they employ or other spatial constraints ) will tend to support an alliance and be tempted or forced to buy local labour peace and skills through compromises over wages and work conditions .
29 This is a conflict of interest which can not easily be overcome and hardly augurs well for the future reconciliation of the differences between the agricultural and non-agricultural rural population .
30 This clip fixing of slipped slates is merely an expedient which can not forever put off the day when the permanent refixing or renewal of the entire roof covering is necessary .
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