Example sentences of "[noun sg] which was [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In more recent years , the example of Fleming 's discovery of penicillin is a good case of the almost accidental research which was of tremendous value .
2 The perceived difficulty of ending marriages was doubtless one of the reasons for the increased concern with wife-battering which was of major import in the 1860s and 1870s .
3 Soon after they got up — which was always late , which was lunchtime — he and Rufus went in swimming , keeping their feet off the gravelly or slimy bottom and their arms clear of the blanket weed which was like green hair .
4 There was a youth group being set up to perform a play which was about teenage gay men and lesbians and their experiences .
5 One of the distinctions between these two works is that Veblen 's goal is more limited ; he is not concerned with consumption in general so much as a specific type of consumption which was of particular importance in the period during which he was writing , a period which may be seen as marking the transition to the age of mass consumption .
6 He had a reprieve which was of indefinite length but better to be pessimistic than otherwise .
7 Ianthe went into the drawing room which was in considerable disorder .
8 Throughout 1937 and early 1938 relations between Neville Chamberlain , the Prime Minister , and Eden had been strained — largely due to the fact that Chamberlain favoured the policy of enlisting Italian support against Hitler , a policy which was in direct contradiction to that pursued by Eden .
9 At no time can I remember ever being stopped from pursuing an objective which was of ultimate potential gain to the company .
10 Gradually the combined armies in France managed to gain more than a toehold on French soil and started to advance , and our aircrews found themselves flying over more and more territory which was in friendly hands , so therefore the casualty rate in Bomber Command dropped dramatically .
11 Tradition anachronistically proclaims him as the first pope — the first ruler of the Church which was to enshrine Paul 's triumph and constitute an edifice of Pauline thought .
12 The Bradford Special Conference of 29 July 1932 ended affiliation by 241 votes to 142 and created an independent party with a disunited membership and with an organization which was in serious difficulties .
13 This tendency reached a quite ludicrous result in the course of the Spycatcher litigation , when the House of Lords at one point narrowly upheld an interim injunction on newspapers publishing details from a book which was on open sale throughout the rest of the world , and numerous copies of which were circulating in Britain .
14 He became a close friend of Sheila Rowbotham , the feminist historian who , together with feminist economist Hilary Wainwright and Big Flamer Lynne Segal , wrote a book which was of enormous importance for the far left in the early 1980s — Beyond the Fragments .
15 So it seems that over the years pandas have learned to enjoy food which was in great abundance .
16 Lawler was renowned as a snob which was in total contrast to his wife .
17 It could use its powers of compulsory acquisition to amalgamate land which was in separate ownerships and acquire land the owners of which could not be traced .
18 Which would be formulated in the pre-election year which was for obvious reasons .
19 Yet something very basic remained in the landscape which was of great importance in later periods .
20 The need for this clause was abrogated , however , with the passing of the SC Neronianum in AD 56 , for it provided that a legacy which was on technical grounds ( such as the one suggested ) invalid should be treated according to the interpretation applying to the most favourable kind of legacy , namely that per damnationem .
21 About 338 Scylax , or rather pseudo-Scylax ( 18 ) , noticed the presence of Celts on the Adriatic north of Ravenna in a region which was of direct commercial interest to the Greeks .
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