Example sentences of "[noun sg] which was [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time as Shirley Williams ( Secretary of State for Education in the Callaghan administration which was to be defeated in the General Election of 1979 ) was conducting the ‘ Great Debate ’ , inspectors from her Department were beginning a process of evaluation of the nation 's schools .
2 It reiterated its refusal to join de Klerk 's " unilaterally called " conference on violence which was to be held in Pretoria on May 24 and 25 .
3 This all-time low was worsened by news of Lance Henly 's death but the much-loved man had bequeathed his gold watch to the Club which was to be held by the winner of the Lovell Bowl .
4 A charming Chinese member of staff greeted us and took us from the airport to Robert Black College which was to be our home for four months .
5 At their meeting in either 1749 or 1750 , Christopher Smart accepted this task from Richardson ; however , he delayed writing the piece which was to be printed in the volume .
6 She was sitting up in bed learning the chant which was to be tested the next day .
7 Thus the hobelar , a form of light horseman , came to provide the mobile and versatile force which was to be characteristic of so much war on the Anglo-Scottish border in the early fourteenth century .
8 Then he invited me to a gypsy baptism which was to be held that night in the suburb of Vallecas .
9 The whole patrol drove to a position within about sixty miles of Bouerat , and there the raiding party all piled on to one truck which was to be driven close to the port by Hunter himself .
10 Nevertheless , it was a defiant stand which was to be admired even if the final outcome did not bring about the desired result .
11 It was probably the success of these steps which , in 1337 , caused Philip VI to decide upon the building of a naval base at La Rochelle , a base which was to be ceded to the English by the terms of the treaty of Brétigny , thereby underlining the significance of ports as pawns in international diplomacy .
12 ‘ Since Rainhill was closed , what has happened to the money which was to be spent in communities such as Halewood ?
13 In much of this material there was little attempt to relate such antipathy and prejudice to a consistent and coherent theory of behaviour , but the assumption and arguments on which it was based can be seen as the origins of a racial nationalist ideology which was to be more rigorously formulated at a later date .
14 Less extreme in deformation , quieter and less agitated in mood , these paintings form a prelude to the important work which was to be done by Picasso during the summer in Spain at Horta de San Juan .
15 China 's parliament , the National People 's Congress , approved on April 4 the Basic Law which was to be Hong Kong 's " mini-constitution " after 1997 , with 2,600 votes in favour , 16 against and 37 abstentions .
16 On the other hand the unequivocal wording of the promise and the particular path of demand management which was to be followed were indeed due to a growing intellectual conviction at the centre of the government machine that full employment need not involve root-and-branch change in the economy and society .
17 During Mark 's absence in Spain , ‘ the mole ’ Fred Klepner had spent countless hours going over the Ten Year Business plan which was to be the subject of the presentation Mark was to give to Nate Cocello at the next Planning Committee meeting .
18 They walked across the square together , to the little hall which was to be Wycliffe 's base for the duration of the case .
19 As Officer Commanding , 4 Ferry Pool at Prestwick , McGuinness was instructed to act as Liaison Officer on behalf of the ATA which was to be directly involved in the critical transfer .
20 However , it was from her mother Jeannie and her grandmother Maria Stewart that she absorbed the song-treasury which was to be the dominant love of her life .
21 Nicholson teamed up with his friend and former flatmate Don Devlin to write the script for a film called Thunder Island , a thriller which was to be shot with a tiny budget on a Caribbean island .
22 The inconsequential and bawdy mimes proved difficult to unravel but Knox was determined to succeed , exercising on them the scholarship combined with inspired guesswork which was to be his forte in his future career .
23 Early in 1992 TES sales representative , began negotiating with a Malaysian company called Time-Epe and they subsequently secured a $4 million contract for the sale of the FT4 equipment which was to be installed for the Sabah Electricity Board in the town of Tawau [ population 40,000 ] .
24 However , later David did come and see me to ask if his group could play on the school steps at the PTA fête which was to be held in the summer , so I suppose that was one of his first public engagements with his group .
25 In the emergence of this ‘ young generation ’ of independent means lies the early identification of the sector of the population which was to be so effectively targeted by the market in the postwar era .
26 Kim Milson , who won the first match , once again won his section and was leading the series , yours truly in second place and perfectly placed going into the third match which was to be fished on the Grand Union Canal at Slapton .
27 In retrospect these concerns now seem a much bolder move , constituting an important political lead which was to be continued in the resistance to the war in South-East Asia in the sixties and early seventies .
28 The remains of hundreds of woolly mammoths from the Ice Agehave been found on a site which was to be turned into a rubbish dump .
29 The Chairman for the evening — Mr R. Mulford — welcomed all present to an evening which was to be an informal discussion centred on Members ' reminiscences of the BCR in its working days .
30 Whereas the railways in the past had been an integral part of the cityscape , running down main streets , leaving in their wake a succession of railroad crossings on the classic American street grid plan , by the turn of the century they were already disappearing behind fences , into cuttings , or underground , a process which was to be speeded up in the years leading to the First World War .
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