Example sentences of "[noun sg] which be not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The early recurrences may be the result of incomplete clearance of the gall bladder which is not detected by radiological examination .
2 This may be contrasted with a moral or rule-based association which is not held together by a common purpose but merely by the authority of common practices .
3 Our concern is with that huge category of stock which is not issuing well and which fills our valuable storage space : the nineteenth-century biographies ; the classics of politics and philosophy ; the long journal runs ; the multi-volume histories ; the ‘ complete ’ works ; the novels , plays and studies of and by yesterday 's men and women ; the giant topographical histories — the accumulated cultural and historical heritage that lies heavily on the stacks and on the reference shelves .
4 ( h ) convertible loan stock which is not quoted on a recognised stock exchange , or is not issued on terms which are reasonably comparable with the terms of quoted convertible stock , can cause a problem as the interest payable on it will fall to be treated for tax purposes as a distribution ( ICTA 1988 , s209(2) ( e ) ( ii ) ) .
5 Inevitably , forecasters err on the side of optimism because it is always possible to keep whisky which remains unsold , but impossible to sell stock which was not produced in the first place .
6 This was partly to save money ( since an ambassador had to live in a style and with an expense which was not expected of lesser mortals ) and partly to minimise the risk of quarrels over precedence .
7 The larger pieces show a surprising link with her drawing which is not borne out by the smaller more elaborate pieces cast in bronze .
8 The lawyer said that the reason for this was to provide justification for opening fire on a car which was not endangering anyone 's life .
9 It also sets out the rules governing quota transfer and leasing together with the treatment of quota which is not used .
10 Some organisations provide detailed lists of items which are allowable under the disturbance allowance ; others merely state that it is intended to meet all other ‘ out-of-pocket ’ expenses incurred during relocation which are not specified elsewhere in the company 's policy .
11 The plaintiff 's hand came into contact with a moving grinding wheel which was not fenced .
12 Similarly , if new and important evidence came to light during a review which was not given at the inspector 's investigation , the Chief Inspector should be able to apply to have the review discontinued , following which he should reopen the inspector 's investigation .
13 Density ( indicated by an X in b ) is clearly visible at N67 for an N- linked acetyl glucosamine which was not included in the phasing model .
14 My Lords , this appeal arises out of a memorandum of agreement dated 19 December 1930 and said to have created a lease for a term which was not limited to expire by effluxion of time and can not now be determined by the landlord .
15 However , given the comparatively low-cost alternative to underwriting deep discount issues — the insistence of corporate financial officers on using underwriters suggests some traditional but illogical practice which is not going to change overnight .
16 There are two other Hague Conventions relevant to international civil practice which are not examined here .
17 It is also easy to see the patches of dark nebulosity which are not illuminated by any convenient stars , and make their presence known by blotting out the light of objects beyond .
18 Local authorities have no powers except those conferred upon them by statute , and when they take action which is not sanctioned by the law they are said to be acting ultra vires ( beyond the powers ) .
19 Indeed , that part of the over-representation of teenagers amongst the temporary labour force which is not explained by the temporary working of persons still at school is explained by the high proportion of the age group in special youth training schemes .
20 He did study law and acquired all the necessary qualifications but he became increasingly depressed — a condition which was not conquered until , at the age of 28 , he went back to university to study the science subjects he so loved .
21 Higher precision is obtained by studying the apparent motion of radio-sources that pass near to and behind the Sun 's disc , a technique which is not restricted to times of solar eclipse .
22 This Code introduces two concepts of rack storage protection which are not included in the Fire Offices ' Committee Rules .
23 All words from the text which are not included in the 2000 most frequent word groups are put into a separate sluice .
24 ‘ The suspension to be brought about by lack of funding which is not related to the community charge level . ’
25 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
26 The only forces stationed on former East German territory would be " German units of territorial defence which are not integrated into the alliance structures " to which united Germany would belong .
27 For the position as regards proceedings before a board which are not completed before the expiry of the term of office of a member or members , see subs .
28 Legislation , as this case suggests , is not simply an instrument of central control ; it can also protect local authorities against central direction which is not backed by statutory powers .
29 Only a Russian would find all that surprising , or fail to understand that freedom which is not misused is not freedom at all .
30 A module name has been supplied to PI routine Read_From_Package which is not contained in the package .
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