Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [modal v] have to " in BNC.

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1 Many families have only one car which may have to be reserved for the use of the nurse 's spouse and others have no car at all .
2 Changing any of the benefits and any of the taxes will almost certainly generate some behavioural response which will have to be guesstimated if the true original income is to be deduced .
3 Strategic Planning Guidance … can provide the framework to begin the necessary work which will have to be undertaken if sustainability is to be given any credence within the development plan framework . ’
4 This would occupy a fraction of a second which would have to be made up by hurrying over the next group of semiquavers , and would sound breathless and hectic .
5 The impact of that on Leeds residents perception of the migration opportunities is quite different quite different from a new settlement on a very accessible corridor which would have to be promoted and would have to be built quickly to be to present itself as a successful venture .
6 This is a matter of major constitutional importance which will have to be looked at by the House of Lords and no doubt considered by this place in due course .
7 Women mourn the loss of a breast — ‘ which at 50 has no function other than a psychological one ’ — unlike almost any other part of their body which might have to be removed for health reasons .
8 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
9 these proposals we regard as doing no more than initiating a programme of family welfare which will have to be kept under continuous review and modified and expanded in the light of experience and deeper knowledge .
10 It also designated $1,0000 million of the education budget as a loan which would have to be repaid from future allocations .
11 At present a bottle , for example , can be made from several different types of plastic which would have to be separated out before recycling .
12 We both believe that mutual access to each other 's catalogues would be of benefit to staff in both institutions , but we recognise that there are practical problems and questions of policy which would have to be addressed .
13 The bill is just over £300 and is the last poll tax bill which will have to be paid , no matter who wins the General Election .
14 No longer can investigative stories be stopped merely because they might " prejudge " a matter which may have to be decided in litigation at some future time .
15 The principle which would have to be established first of all is that each person in the world ( all those aged 21 or over , suggests Dr Grubb ) would have an equal share in man-made carbon dioxide emissions , regardless of whether he lived in a rich developed country or a poor one which produced hardly any carbon dioxide at all .
16 Austria is expected to propose at the conference the setting up of a European Migration Charter , a document which will have to be elaborated on later .
17 I believe that one of the most moving aspects of seeing his work together will be an extraordinary sense of purpose which will have to be understood as carrying certain moral implications of the seriousness of his enterprise .
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