Example sentences of "[noun sg] or it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It turns out that if I choose a direction and look at the electron 's spin in relation to that direction then either its axis of rotation points along that direction or it is wholly in the reverse direction .
2 Either that Sardinian 's being there was coincidence or it was n't — and , for goodness ' sake , if it was n't —
3 After twenty years , George still could n't decide whether they spent the time thinking or it was just to show they need n't really answer anything .
4 If your hair looks much straighter and flatter than usual the conditioner is either too heavy for your particular type of hair type or it is not washed out properly .
5 But teasing should n't contain too much truth or it is n't teasing any more , it 's … it 's … ’
6 Either there was no helium or it was too faint to detect with the equipment then available .
7 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
8 Rumour has it this Achtung Baby thang actually lasts for an hour — the assembly is being treated to a full 36 minutes of footage. this either means that a lot of it is rubbish or it 's so blinking brilliant They could n't show the lot lest our brains exploded with pleasure .
9 When she has been a carer in the family and she can no longer fulfil this role or it is no longer needed
10 Other members felt it inappropriate to distinguish between categories of third party : a State is either a party to the treaty or it is not .
11 When it became obvious that the strike was n't going to last a fortnight or it was n't going to last a month .
12 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
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