Example sentences of "[noun sg] as he [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 On the morning of the Melbourne Stakes , which was to be Phar Lap 's warm-up race for the Melbourne Cup three days later , he was shot at from the window of a car as he returned from exercise .
2 She closed her eyes again , wondering how long , and then opened them wide , staring in disbelief as he withdrew from her , his act far from complete , got up and with the purest gesture of impatience she had ever seen , threw an Oriental robe of some kind in garish , tribal colours , around his shoulders .
3 He shoved it at the uniformed man 's face , watching with pleasure as he recoiled from the stench .
4 He was blasted in the back with a shotgun as he fled from 12 men who burst in hunting for him .
5 The man must have been shot from above at close range as he emerged from under the scaffolding .
6 His critics say that his main contact with his Chicago district is a fond wave from the aeroplane as he travels from Los Angeles to Washington .
7 His voice fluted , thin with panic as he fled from his father and blundered into Nick , who caught and held him .
8 I loved the trees , but having this forest next door , made sure our garden only saw the sun as he moves from east to west early in the morning .
9 The mechanic watched him out of the comer of his eye as he went from car to car , making an elaborate pretence of examining the interiors .
10 Mr Overbye describes the changes in theory and observation accurately , engagingly and enthusiastically , though his prose is occasionally Doppler-shifted towards the purple as he dashes from subject to subject .
11 THE policeman injured in a chase in the East End accidentally shot himself in the groin as he leapt from a car .
12 A JOYRIDER was captured on video as he fled from the scene of a hit-and-run accident .
13 ‘ Well … maybe one , ’ and he goes on to tell me that in 1967 he once served the Singing Postman ( whose career was then in its ascendance , as a result of his seminal work ‘ Av yew got a light , boy ? ’ ) with a vodka and orange juice as he returned from a triumphant evening at the Ipswich Folk Club .
14 His first feeling as he emerged from the short but deep sleep which came to him at the end of every restless night , was that he was bloody glad to be alive .
15 Shearer has been limited to five short appearances as substitute so far this season as he recovers from knee ligament trouble .
16 Shearer has been limited to five short appearances as substitute so far this season as he recovers from knee ligament trouble .
17 " The Mayor of Aberdare was assassinated this morning as he stepped from a train at Swansea station .
18 Later , soaping her son 's slippery body in the bath as he wriggled from her grasp and splashed water up at his mother , Clare would again feel happy .
19 Rory could see him through the open door as he crossed from the bungalow , through the yard of machinery and tractors , and into the business block .
20 But his career took a downward turn as he moved from Portsmouth , to Millwall , Brentford , Aldershot and finally Colchester .
21 He tried to suggest it was a casual encounter as he stepped from the shadows , but realized at once that his subterfuge was painfully obvious .
22 Benigno Aquino , leader of the opposition to Ferdinand Marcos 's regime , is murdered at Manila airport as he returns from exile .
23 He stood up smartly and she followed him with gratitude as he took from his pocket a large bunch of keys , from each of which dangled a carefully written label .
24 He forgot to hand in such little money as he collected from sales of the Morning Star ; they prosecuted and he was put on probation for two years .
25 In his capacity as a recording artist , McLaren visited the offices of his new holding company , and was ushered in to meet the chairman of the board as he rose from behind his desk .
26 Giant , hogging screen time as he stumbles from one tedious gambling-led crisis to another , severely unbalances the movie .
27 This ensured there was time to make to love to her , an activity that would frequently fill the time as he moved from one lady 's home to another 's .
28 What had happened was that Stirling 's static line had snagged on the tail section as he exited from the door , and two panels were ripped from the parachute , causing him to descend too rapidly .
29 Given a free choice , children usually choose the apparatus they are ready for and although a three-year-old may imitate the feats of an older child with a funnel , tube and bottle , he may not gain the same satisfaction as he does from achieving something much more simple on his own .
30 Nobody believes that is going to happen , least of all Jack Charlton , who says taking the Irish to the finals will give him as much satisfaction as he drew from winning the competition with England in 1966 .
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