Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] be [subord] " in BNC.

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1 On any model , when knitting the neckline , start with the second side of the neck with the carriage on the same side as it was when you started the first side of the neck .
2 Peter and Paul will want to remember their Mummy as she was before she got ill , and how much she loved and cared about them when they were younger , even if the illness makes here different .
3 During his time in the Army he had been exemplary as far as conduct in battle and general discipline were concerned , but he would not have been as traditional a British soldier as he was if he had n't stretched a principle or two during life in barracks .
4 That His Majesty , understanding that the Forest Laws are grievous to the Subjects of this Kingdom … out of his Grace and Goodness to his people , is willing to lay down all the new Bounds of his Forests … reduced to the same Condition as they were before the late justices Seat held .
5 Nor can any reconstructed , facsimile wilderness ever approach the condition of nature as it was before human influence became dominant .
6 I just did n't know it was as much of a tribute as it was until I was told … rather abruptly !
7 I do not think that the problem which we have to solve is really assisted by considering in what respect his position is the same quoad the landlord as it was before the order was made .
8 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
9 Well there used to be one on the corner of Street and Street that was , that was a pawnshop right opposite the churches facing it the church were on the one corner Street and used to be on the opposite corner , and Johnny was a member of the church choir as I was after I was ten years ol ten years old , I Mr he must have thought I could sing he sent me down to St Paul 's and I , I went to St Paul 's Church on the corner of Street and I did n't stay there long because it was I was still working part- time I was still a schoolboy but er I did sing in the choir at St Paul 's Church for a time , and then I went , I went back to St Mary 's and All Saints in Palfry as a choirboy and er we used to have choir practice once or twice a week , I know we had it Wednesday night , the choir master was Albert Edward he was a butcher , kept a butcher 's shop on the corner of and
10 Such advice is becoming as offensive , ignorant and out of touch as it was when first uttered by the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) many years ago .
11 In other words , to is used here to evoke : ( a ) the situation as it was before the infinitive 's event was realized , and ( b ) the movement of the support of the infinitive 's event from position ( a ) to the realization of this event .
12 So if I have associated the right word — say , the word blue — with the right impression — the impression I get when I look at a cornflower — there is no fear of my language not mirroring reality as there is if I talk about fate or fortune , these not being words for simple ideas impressed on my mind by external objects .
13 He does n't , he 's not concerned about the individuality of the body but concerned about the surv in individuality of our personality as it was before we ca we went on this journey to the one .
14 ( Note that these figures are for a hypothetical population with the life history given by a , not for the life history as it was while the lines were selected . )
15 And I fear therefore that we 're in precisely the same position as we were when the presbytery of Hamilton brought their overture to us .
16 recover the text as it was before the editorial operation began .
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