Example sentences of "[noun sg] but also [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Not only is it close to the coast but also to a large river , the Kumbukan .
2 Except for one girl who ran towards the rock where Angus was leaning , not just on the rock but also on a sealskin .
3 This points not only to a severe differential in the quality of jobs between north and south but also to a differential in their rate of job growth over time .
4 From 1940 political activity was damped down not only by the maintenance of the electoral truce but also by a suspension of local government elections .
5 Every now and then a dad would swagger in and talk to her with reverence but also with a certain courtly gaiety .
6 Nothing , as both men knew , could be quite as sombre and sickening as a suicide ( or , as here , an attempted suicide ) , for it spoke not only of unbearable suffering but also of a certain misguided fortitude .
7 Epithets such as " naughty " or " dirty " , or their implication , may result not only in a general feeling of unworthiness in the child but also in a sense that they apply to anal-genital matters as a whole .
8 This is made up of £130,000 in added money ( mainly from the sponsor but also with a contribution from the racecourse and the Levy Board , with the remainder coming from the stake money paid by each owner to enter .
9 Corbett should apply for the purpose not only of marriage but also for a charge under s. 30 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956 .
10 Both Mussolini and Hitler saw population policy as not only a means of increasing the population but also as a means of social control , using both repressive and persuasive measures .
11 But attempts to encourage family planning encounter obstacles not only of an economic nature but also of a religious , cultural , and possibly also political nature .
12 It was important to retain Lloyd George , not just as the man who had won the war but also as a man who could talk to the working class ; and if a revolutionary situation were to arise , then it would be far better if Unionists could call on Liberals to help resist it .
13 By the end of the 1980s it was nonetheless possible to say that the USSR was more directly involved in the affairs of the world community than at any previous time in her history , not only at a formal intergovernmental level but also through a variety of personal , commercial , sporting , scientific and other channels .
14 Hillary was acclaimed not only as a born writer but also as a representative of the doomed youth of his generation , although in his constant self-analysis he was in fact a most untypical British fighter pilot of 1940 .
15 Finally , the DUC was later to share its experience of campaigning tactics with other community groups , such as those opposing lignite mining near Lough Neagh and those opposing gold mining in– the west , and to provide these groups not only with its campaigning expertise but also with a shining example of how a community could defeat outside interests by grassroots organization .
16 Similarly do occurs as a lexical verb but also as a purely grammatical element whose function is to carry tense and negation for the lexical verb .
17 In our conversation , John Eudes emerged not only as a listener but also as a guide , not only as a counsellor but also as a director .
18 Norman Davis will be remembered by many with affection not only as a very great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend .
19 Not only does he write with total integrity but also with a respect for the language which is becoming increasingly rare .
20 I look back on those emotions with wry amusement but also with a certain amount of self-respect .
21 Because it is concerned with questions of meaning , social behaviour and structure , and problems of cultural value , it directs you not only towards a wide range of examples of writing but also towards a greater awareness of moral and social questions underlying the techniques through which analysis and persuasion are achieved .
22 By January 1856 he was asking not only for the relaxation of censorship but also for a constitution , various political amnesties , the gradual emancipation of the serfs , non-interference in the domestic affairs of European nations and assistance for national-liberation movements .
23 The words are revealing ; for this is a black film , not only with a mostly black cast but also with a black director , Mario Van Peebles .
24 Libertarians want a drastic reduction in the interventions of the state , not only in the economy but also as a social regulator , so that opportunities for both personal choice and the free-market economy are maximized .
25 However , the burgeoning folk revival of the 50s and 60s offered her a welcome release , and eventually she won a respected place in the circuit of folk festivals and folksong clubs , singing material not only from her mother 's repertoire but also from a personal ‘ collection ’ gathered when hawking , or working at the tatties .
26 Seasonal peaks are not specific to the service sector ; they are to be found in certain parts of manufacturing — particularly In food processing but also in a number of consumer goods industries -and in agriculture .
27 The computer power that even the smallest practice can now afford means that there is no excuse for the well-organised firm not to be making use of this opportunity not only for operating efficiency but also as a tool of competition .
28 The apparent paradox of Nizan 's ideological/psychological mentality needs to be scrutinised at this juncture since it is clear that after 1935 his intellectual itinerary became far more complex , shaped as it was by countless pressures arising not only from a new party strategy but also from a deepening international political crisis .
29 She observes , for example , that gender may affect language use in a given situation not just as a property of the speaker but also as a characteristic of the addressee ; the determining factor might be who is being spoken to rather than who is speaking .
30 Not only in a simple financial sense but also in a spiritual sense .
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