Example sentences of "[noun sg] but not [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She could remember Hamlet and the dates of important battles in the Revolutionary War and the names of Disney 's Seven Dwarfs and the telephone numbers of old boyfriends and the faces of people she had known in college but not seen in years and the deadlines for the three pieces she had been working on …
2 The Historic Royal Palaces — palaces owned by the Queen but not inhabited by her — comprise the Tower of London , Hampton Court Palace , Kew Palace and Queen Charlotte 's Cottage , Kensington Palace and the Banqueting House .
3 He is admiring of the soldiers ' courage but not persuaded by their beliefs : training people to sacrifice themselves produces not altruism but a fascinated following of others to death not so much to help but merely to follow ( p. 88 ) .
4 In the history of disability representation or ‘ arts and disability ’ , we find a history of representation that was done in our name but not done by us .
5 There was not a poet 's emotion which we did not heartily believe ourselves to share , evoked by the poem but not imitated from it .
6 Within his framework , pollution , which might be considered a cost imposed on society but not paid for by the company creating the pollution , results from a deficient system of property rights .
7 Greenpeace gave a warning yesterday of a loophole which allows the EC to promote production of another raft of chemicals , known as HCFCs , now recognised as damaging to the ozone layer but not covered by the Montreal Protocol of 1989 .
8 A ‘ commercial operation but not run for commercial values ’ , it made a conscious decision some years ago to recruit the ‘ best people available ’ .
9 For the 1775 children with information on respiratory illness but not included in that analysis because of other missing data the prevalence of asthma attacks was 7.5% , bronchitis 1.8% , cough first thing in the morning 6.8% , cough at other times 14.8% , chest ever wheezy 11.0% , and wheezy chest most days 3.6% compared with 5.3% , 2.1% , 4.2% , 11.3% , 12.3% , and 2.6% for those included .
10 ‘ Background ’ shall mean any inventions designs computer software reports drawings and other works and information made available before or during the Project but not generated under the Project and either belonging to the contributing Party or to which the contributing Party has the necessary rights for the purposes of the Project .
11 Items appearing on the bank statement but not entered in the cash book such as bank charges , standing orders , interest charged on overdrafts or bank giro credits .
12 Cheques drawn but not yet presented for payment £131.00 ; standing orders shown as paid on the bank statement but not entered in cash book £82.00 ; cheques entered in cash book but not yet paid into the bank £64.00 .
13 His reactions to a challenge and his mode of speech , his capacity , are all those of a boy trained for a certain duty but not distracted from his natural instincts and responses .
14 Such notice shall contain a notice to the effect that any person who , being in occupation of the land but not named as a respondent , wishes to be heard , may apply at any stage of the proceedings to be joined as a respondent .
15 Throughout much of 1948 Minton had been working up oils based on his drawings and watercolours of Corsica for an exhibition at the Lefevre , initially promised him at the end of that year but not mounted until February 1949 .
16 The poem ‘ The heiress and the architect ’ , written at this time but not published until 1898 , is , however , a much harsher symbolic treatment of the architect-client relationship .
17 Sadly , the notes referred to money and medicines that had been sent by the family but not received in the prison .
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