Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [pron] was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Zach gave her a withering glance but it was so overdramatic she and the others burst out laughing .
2 The quest for respectability was very much part of the drive to increase audiences generally and to ensure that motion-picture theatres were not confined to any down-town ghetto but it was also part of an even more fundamental question .
3 Eamonn de Stafort , public relations officer for SPAG , said two cattle had already died from lead poisoning but it was not certain whether dust or water pollution was responsible : ‘ What we are worried about is what will happen when the lake starts to dry up completely ’ .
4 James Kilpatrick had lost his share in the horse but he was well satisfied as he had been truly vindicated .
5 They were working side by side but there was very little exchange of ideas and observations .
6 He shared his pupils ' impatience with the history side but he was far too polite ever to express this prejudice in my presence — and he was pleased that there was somebody else in the department who was prepared to cover that part of the teaching .
7 Well it was one big bedroom but there was more or less like a loft .
8 I tried to have a word with the Cashier but he was n't talking .
9 There was a lot of blood but it was n't deep .
10 By the turn of the century the Free Church Movement presented an imposing facade but it was only a facade .
11 He had hoped there would be time for a quick cup of tea but it was n't to be .
12 thought that was him in the car but it was n't cos
13 We got into the car but I was still watching the plane .
14 To some it will seem perverse to choose to inhabit that village-world of rural prejudice but I was never a town-child and the Scottish cities in particular hold no charms for me .
15 The miming aspect of it was a drag but I was really glad to be on there to dispense with all those horrid people .
16 ‘ I do n't know what was going on in his mind but it was n't going to do him much good .
17 ‘ Maxwell was a monster but he was also very charismatic , ’ he said .
18 Fineview was considered by its residents to be an old-established family neighbourhood but it was generally felt that the cohesion was being destroyed by the increasing numbers of properties converted to the rental market .
19 ‘ It 's a stunning setting but everyone was so silent it was like playing in a church .
20 He had an equal voice in band meetings and an equal vote but he was only one out of four .
21 The weather had been kind for Boz 's wedding but it was less so for Tom and Dolly .
22 It would have been easier to set off in the daylight but it was n't possible .
23 RCA in America claim to have spent half a million dollars promoting my last album but it was obviously money spent in stupid ways .
24 He attempted evading action but it was too late .
25 Joyce was to recite a monologue but she was always a victim of acute nerves and at fifteen was very self conscious .
26 Suddenly his face flooded with recognition but it was too late : the seat with Gazzer and his mate in had swept past him .
27 Jarvis disliked the whole suburban scene but there was not much he could do about that until he was older .
28 Well , they 'd called it embezzlement but it was only taking what was his by right .
29 By far the most famous of these clerical judges is Henry Bracton : he died in 1268 as chancellor of Exeter cathedral , but he had served in the meanwhile as a justice in eyre , a judge on assize , and from 1248 to 1257 on the King 's Bench and on the king 's council ; his fame rests on the fact that not only was he the foremost jurist of his age and possessed of an extensive and precise knowledge of Roman law but he was also credited with the authorship of The Laws and Customs of England which became — in the words of Dorothy Stenton — ‘ the Bible of the coming legal generation ’ .
30 It was only wide enough for one vehicle but it was not so rough , and Maggie took a few deep breaths to get control of her rage .
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