Example sentences of "[noun sg] but [pron] in [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The evaluators ' initial impression was of a school with a fairly traditional outlook but one in which facilities were enviable .
2 Of the remaining three , George Canning , the future prime minister , was only briefly ambassador in Lisbon in 1814 – 15 , when his political career at home was at a low ebb ; and the two others , Robert Liston and Stratford Canning , represented Britain in Constantinople , a very important post but one in which high social rank was not the advantage it was in the other great capitals .
3 He wanted to make another attempt at the kind of theatrical work with which he had experimented in Sweeney Agonistes — a verse drama but one in which the verse seems the natural expression of modern life , and which is able in a heightened or symbolic context to employ the tones and inflections of ordinary , contemporary speech .
4 This would result in flow of the matrix over the undeformed fibrils giving , again , a permanently deformed product but one in which the fibril length was unchanged .
5 When Senegal achieved self-government in 1958 , and full independence in 1960 , Senghor presided over a one-party state but one in which public debate was more widespread than in most of Africa .
6 Ideally , good management in education is a discreet matter but one in which nevertheless training can be offered .
7 For seventeen years Father Conlin had been closely involved in the educational provision of the Diocese , a far from easy task but one in which he achieved much and at the same time earned the respect and affection of Clergy , Governors and Teachers .
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