Example sentences of "[noun sg] she went [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the full face of the ridicule she went to the post office evening after evening , ridicule she willed not to see or notice .
2 In her mind she went over the transformation .
3 Knowing my shortcomings , Mum had taken charge of making curtains for George 's house and a week before the wedding she went to the market to find some fabric for the last pair .
4 So when [ named defendant ] , 41 , made sexual overtures for the first time during their five-year friendship she went to a neighbour and cried rape .
5 Having adjusted the heat and thus satisfactorily disposed of the problem of lunch she went to the bathroom for a shower and then returned to the bedroom .
6 Pausing only to change her dress and smooth her hair she went into the Casa Guidi , laboriously climbed the stairs and arriving in the drawing room in some distress through lack of breath , was hastily urged to sit down and put up her feet and take a dish of tea .
7 That evening she went round the farm as usual , lighting her lamp whenever necessary , to check that all the animals were safe .
8 Before leaving the station she went to the Ladies ' to check up on her appearance .
9 Once in a while she went to a social club for air pilots who 'd been in hospital .
10 The answer came on the day she went to the station , to fetch the magazines .
11 For the second time that day she went to the canteen .
12 And this particular night she went into the yard , the yard door was shut , she went into the yard and was standing , looking at the moon — when the ticket lad came up with a ticket for me father .
13 And last night she went to a do at the American Embassy and came back with a packet of chocolate cookies — er — biscuits , no less . ’
14 For three mornings a week she went to a playgroup run by a friend who was a trained Froebel teacher .
15 Twice a week she went to the library , usually on her own .
16 But last week she went to the
17 During the vacation she went to an inter-varsity fellowship camp with a group of friends .
18 After cooking her watery stew one night and seeing her younger daughter into bed she went to the public library and looked up ‘ Death ’ in a concordance .
19 The spring day was unseasonably warm , and after two hour 's tuition she went into the clubhouse .
20 In Boston one year she went past a competitor who was pushing his disabled son in a wheelchair and talked to him .
21 She did n't come on the road way she went in the field side .
22 After breakfast she went to the office to continue with the clerical work , but , before making a start , she tried to phone her aunt .
23 On release she went to the mayor and so powerful were her reproaches that he ‘ acknowledged the truth of her doctrine ’ and henceforth attempted to protect Quakers .
24 ‘ Madge brought the material back from Vienna the last time she went on a buying trip — it is not part of the Luxembourg budget , I hasten to add and , wonderful creature that she is , she threw it together on an evening when Wardrobe were n't using one of their machines . ’
25 One afternoon in the last week of their stay she went to a reception in the Rue de Varenne given by yet more of their friends .
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