Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was in the middle of wringing the water out of a red rayon skirt she had been washing at the kitchen sink .
2 While fashion magazines announce that longer skirts are in style , the princess has again appeared in the multi-coloured striped skirt she has been wearing for more than a year .
3 At one point the mistress of disguise demonstrated to her co-accused how the ginger wig she had been wearing when they were stopped by police , fell off as she adjusted her hat .
4 The truth of the matter was that even before she had agreed to take over the club she had been plagued more and more by a feeling that she had done all she could do in the music business .
5 Everyone stopped where they were and stared as she pointed dramatically at a dark green house plant which stood on some kind of plinth behind the seat she 'd been allocated .
6 ‘ Yup , ’ she 'd said , shifting down to fourth as a car she 'd been waiting to pass pulled back into the slow lane .
7 With this firmly decided , she made her way up to change out of the trousers and sweater she had been wearing all that long day .
8 Dr Peggy Heeks reports on research she has been carrying out for the British Library
9 Durance said to Rain : ‘ I ca n't believe Joseph does n't understand that selling under her name a painting recognizable as a Durance is equivalent to telling a journalist she had been painting my pictures .
10 At the onset she had been referred to a surgeon and had a normal barium enema and chest x ray .
11 She spoke Spanish a little , enough to understand what was going on , although at her interview she had been told that all her patients would be British .
12 Having lent Hale money to pay her rent she had been angered to discover her spending enormous sums on an haute-couture dress , and refused to turn up to what , in retrospect , became Hale 's farewell party .
13 They crossed M Street and kept going and in a doorway she snatched off the wig and beret and rammed them into the shoulder bag that had been expanded from the purse she had been carrying before .
14 Her tone is soothing , her whispers slide like sighs , but gently she is uncovering the reproach she 's been hiding for days .
15 She opened a small peacock-blue fan she had been holding and began to fan herself .
16 The pleasure she had been feeling turned sour , and she pushed him away .
17 Sarah put the trowel she had been using carefully into her garden basket and removed her garden gloves .
18 Bernice quickly unrolled the bundle she 'd been carrying beneath her arm and thrust Ace 's blood-soaked jacket into the Doctor 's hands .
19 Dreams of Comfort and Anthony and David mixed with memories of the war and became tangled up with the figures on the painted ceiling above her bed and the work she had been doing for Kesselring 's trial .
20 Rain said : ‘ If Sabine Jourdain planned to reveal how much of Durance 's work she 'd been doing for him , a lot of people would have preferred she did n't . ’
21 Life with Mary Top eventer Mary Thomson describes the work she has been giving her horses .
22 The kind of betrayal she 'd been believing him guilty of was mean , petty-minded , and he was none of those things .
23 It would be so easy to give up the battle she 'd been waging against him , simply to lay down her arms and give herself up to the ecstasy of possession .
24 In her days as a schoolteacher she 'd been known for the quickness of her wit and her clarity of thought .
25 She and Jack , the boy she had been walking out with , were saving up so that they could buy the shop from old Mr Peabody , who wanted to retire .
26 As Beth had reminded the boy on more than one occasion , his sister also had lost her parents , and the home she had been raised in .
27 In this dream she had been locked into the school library with an exam paper containing one question and one only : Compare and contrast narrative method in Proust and Tom Jones .
28 The vision of the vain , silly girl she had been seemed to accuse her in some obscure way .
29 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
30 It was the question she had been screwing up her courage to ask him for some time , but Duro pretended he had n't heard , and turned away to talk to Dom Alfonso .
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