Example sentences of "[noun sg] by the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Christianity became the official Imperial religion by the Edict of Milan in AD 314 , and thereafter several attempts were made to despoil and eventually destroy pagan monuments .
2 Any reduction in orbital speed by the action of an additional force can be shown to lead to shrinkage of the orbit .
3 The muffled words were given a seductive rhythm by the drumming of the rain .
4 A long time must be spent on suppling the horse by the use of circles , turns , changes of bend and transitions .
5 Driven mad with grief by the loss of her child , she is thought to wander the streets weeping and crying out a ghostly memory of the pre-Conquest past .
6 Professor Charles Wilson views the effects of the Bubble as " salutary " , but considers that the taking over of so much of the South Sea Company 's excess stock by the Bank of England and East India Company perpetuated into the 1730s the situation in which more than half of the national debt was held by the great corporations .
7 ‘ We are appalled on this side by the behaviour of the appellant 's witnesses .
8 The presentations had been delayed on the NATO side by the re-emergence of a Greek-Turkish dispute on the inclusion or non-inclusion of the Turkish port of Mersin in the treaty .
9 It was only when the colours gave way to plain gold before subsiding into diminishing fountains of silver that she realised she had moved closer to Rune , seeking instinctive protection against the sharp noise of the exploding rockets and that he had gathered her to his strong male body , pinning her to his side by the power of his arm , his hand firmly pressed against her waist .
10 Similarly in O'Brien in 1974 , it was the pronouncement by the court of a decree nisi of divorce which was held to revoke ‘ a wife 's implied consent to marital intercourse . ’
11 It predated the arrival of the National Curriculum , but was without doubt given a considerable boost by the publication of the government 's initial National Curriculum proposals in 1987 , and the Education Reform Bill and Act , both in 1988 .
12 Ironically , at the eleventh hour the plight of the belugas has been given a boost by the success of whale-watching cruises in the St Lawrence .
13 At this time , too , the vigorous and largely indigenous current of thought and research in social psychology in the United States was given a powerful boost by the influx of expatriate German scholars , liberal democrats most of them , fleeing from the Nazi regime .
14 Monica Seles will retain her number one women 's ranking and Jennifer Capriati will be her nearest rival by the end of December .
15 Still in working order , the mill is maintained as an Ancient Monument by the Department of the Environment .
16 He 's shut in his bedroom by the sound of it .
17 On July 29 Boutros-Ghali endorsed a recommendation by the commander of the UN Protection Force in Yugoslavia ( UNPROFOR — see p. 38849 ) , Lt.-Gen.
18 Montenegro trebled its area at Turkey 's expense by the Treaty of San Stefano in 1878 , but the treaty was never ratified , and the Congress of Berlin a few months later forced Montenegro to surrender some of its gains .
19 It is true that small local fortifications , sometimes churches adapted at great expense by the addition of towers , parapets , walls and even moats , might bring some measure of safety , at least against small bands of soldiers or evil-doers .
20 They were set up in close succession by the Secretary of State for Scotland to study the curriculum ( Munn ) and assessment ( Dunning ) in the third and fourth years of Scottish secondary schools ; they kept in close touch with each other throughout their deliberations ; and they presented their reports with complementary recommendations at the same time .
21 This perhaps represents Owen 's line of thought with him becoming more and more emotional to the middles of the verse , reaching climaxes and then , as it is as if he questions this freely running thought process , and he limits himself to so much emotion by the end of each verse .
22 It is common ground that an order for payment to the defendant by the board of his costs in the court of first instance can only be made if he can establish under section 18(4) ( b ) that he ‘ will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made …
23 They walked along by the harbour , where the tall masts and the draped fishing nets made a dramatic backcloth as the men prepared for their nightly trip out , working on the nets and the sailing gear by the light of lanterns , and with much singing and swearing and good-natured banter .
24 What the New Republic was calling for was a fuller appreciation by the left of what necessarily constituted entertainment and of what Hollywood had actually achieved .
25 It ordered the closure by the end of 1991 of the notorious Dimitur Blagoev metalworks in Plovdiv , the object of protests since February .
26 Again , to counter the allegation by the LCD of excessive claims QC put forward a proposal that Paragraph 9 of the Regulations should be altered , so as to place an obligation on the Court to report to the Bar Council any case where fees are reduced by more than 50 per cent .
27 HOTLINE TO THE FUTURE By the end of the century , the telephone will be just a telephone no longer — enter the personal communications centre
28 It would be wrong not to draw attention to the grave problem which is being created for the future by the production of large numbers of council houses at such rents that , if a fall occurs in building cost , difficulty will be experienced in letting them , despite the subsidy .
29 It 's thought the sword guard will be bought by The museum of Wales when it 's put up for auction by the Receiver of wrecks later this year .
30 Trailing by 83 , the West Indies declined to 184 for seven and seeming defeat by the end of the third day , even with two considerable slices of luck .
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