Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another great Therapy ? story revolves around a character called Eddie Faith , who found religion at a Christian meeting one night , and the next day walked into the local police station and confessed to 24 robberies he 'd committed in the previous year .
2 The wind rarely blows constantly and results can vary depending on whether the wind is increasing or decreasing in speed at the particular moment when an ammeter reading is taken .
3 To take the philosophical one first , it was actually Nietzsche 's isolation at a critical period of his life that helped to create the need which Schopenhauer was to satisfy .
4 In equal isolation at the Intercontinental Hotel , 16 miles away , Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and a diet of gentle assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel , the Saudi Foreign Minister , that optimism was the order of the day , but while he had heard of some disputes in the parliamentary chamber , he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan .
5 WIGAN are wanted for a ‘ double whammy ’ Down Under next February — but it could cause a fixture pile-up at a crucial stage of the season .
6 A quick glance at a standard form partnership agreement ( Appendix 1 ) gives a good impression of the wide range of matters upon which agreement is desirable .
7 A glance at a geological map of England will show that the proposed line skirts , and would accommodate the mineral district lying north and east of Chirbury , from which large quantities of lead and barytes are obtained .
8 A glance at a short section of a DXF file , see Fig. 2 , might lead to the conclusion that whoever designed the format either had shares in a paper manufacturing company , or a grudge against rain forests .
9 One glance at the young men emerging from a vehicle told her that the rafting parties had arrived , and within moments Silas was there to greet them .
10 A glance at the vested interests of the four debaters , debating whether sports-climbing is threatening the traditional ethos of British climbing , throws up interesting comparisons .
11 But a glance at the Soviet Union should be enough to remind Mr de Klerk that it is far easier to dismantle his predecessors ' oppressive structures than to build a new democracy in their place .
12 A single glance at the actual contents of Mogridge 's cupboard embarrassed me .
13 A glance at the current programme shows that we already have courses on planning , recruitment and publicity .
14 Now , as a brief glance at the current catalogue will show , he is one of the most recorded composers of his generation .
15 He spared a glance at the ragged specimens of humanity crouched against the wall and wondered how many of them had once been prosperous farmers or innkeepers or tradesmen .
16 A glance at the Financial Times or Money Management will reveal the large number and variety of offshore funds in existence .
17 THOSE OF the opinion that rock ‘ n ’ roll is a soft option are advised to cast a cynical glance at the Screaming Trees .
18 It will be apparent from even a cursory glance at the preceding chapter that with relative ease , and often with no lack of management application , an apparently valuable asset can rapidly revert to a financial liability .
19 With the passing of time , Greek silver coins tended to have a wider diameter and lesser thickness , and a glance at the general appearance of a coin will enable it to be assigned to either the fifth to fourth centuries or the second to first centuries BC ( compare figs. 9 and 6 ) .
20 A glance at the awful title suggested the answer ‘ nothing ’ but I soon found that this book is not like all the others .
21 As Cynthia fell silent , the lawyer stole a quick glance at the dying woman and , shocked at the wastage of so young a life , he hastened to lighten Dorothy 's obvious distress .
22 But one glance at the cascading wisteria blossom — never mind the rest of the promising , if overgrown , London garden — and Spanish translator Patricia Grillo was hooked .
23 A casual glance at the equivalent circuit of figure 10.6(b) might suggest that the output resistance of the common-emitter amplifier is and that maximum signal power gain arises with this network when the load resistance equals .
24 But the Substitute caught his movement and , with a quick sidelong smile and a rueful glance at the offending object , he leaned back in his seat and said solemnly : ‘ It 's my only vice . ’
25 Elizabeth cast one happy glance at the dawning delight on the other two faces , and continued with the joyful work .
26 An appraising glance at the assembled company tells her how to begin , and the lesson advances spontaneously yet logically to a physically and artistically satisfying climax and conclusion .
27 A glance at the assembled guests told him what he already knew — that no one looked quite as good as he did .
28 The Captain could n't avoid a swift glance at the shiny dome flanked by two tufts of grey hair .
29 The third of Salter and Tapper 's concept , the ‘ means ’ to support change , has not been offered to arts education , whereas funds for the development of more vocationally orientated education have been forthcoming , as a glance at the original categories of ESGs , TVEI and GRIST demonstrates .
30 A few items are rumbled as a worried glance at the mounting monitor reminds Mommy and Poppy that they are not in Heaven yet .
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