Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [adj] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For 40 years both of those parties have grabbed power on the basis of 40 per cent of the electorate at most and with 60 per cent against .
2 Here the Court of Appeal has ducked the challenge completely by failing to provide any guidance at all as to which of the competing philosophies of punishment on offer should take precedence .
3 So you do n't really get any break at all but on a
4 She started work at 14 and by the time she found herself at Vons she 'd held a variety of jobs .
5 It seemed to be an impossible dream at first because of the distance and the difficulties .
6 I hope the work will be interesting , I was a bit disappointed not to have the chance to tackle my own book as the main editor at last but of course one does n't want to rock the boat too much — there are too many people who 'd happily fill my shoes .
7 He gestured his dissent at this and in no time the crowd were clamouring for the umpire to reverse the decision , which he did .
8 As illustrated , B-but not A can attain a higher indifference curve at 3 than at 2 , and therefore B is seen as being envious of A , and therefore point 2 is efficient but unfair in B 's terms .
9 [ Further paragraphs provided for early retirement at 57 and for women at 55 in the former GDR under certain conditions . ]
10 You see in British Steel we we have seventy thousand deferred pensioners and er it is a group of people that I feel extremely sorry for , because er in nineteen eighty-six British Steel introduced into their pension scheme while it was still in the public sector , retirement at sixty where with a pension credit spaced on length of service , so if you had thirty-five years service in , you could retire at sixty as if you were sixty-five and there was nothing done at all for deferred pensioners and in certainly our submission to British Steel for seeking improvements , we we asked that they er they look at deferred pensioner with a view to paying their pensions at sixty , recognising that it was a very high-class plane that might have to be er achieved in stages .
11 Before 1987 legislation governing pollution control did n't fully apply to tidal waters , and discharges into the sea and many older discharges to estuaries did n't require consent at all except for substances like mercury .
12 In practice the new discourse was addressed not to the population at large but to potential members of an elite of " the educated " .
13 Polytechnics and universities are also competing to secure funds from non-government sources : research trusts and foundations , industry , special appeals to the community at large or to former alumni .
14 If forms of life exist whose chemistry is based on silicon rather than carbon , or ammonia rather than water , if creatures are discovered that boil to death at — 100 degrees centigrade , if a form of life is found that is not based on chemistry at all but on electronic reverberating circuits , will there still be any general principle that is true of all life ?
15 It is also less soluble in water at higher than at lower temperatures , so that the capacity of a body of water to support fish respiration is greater in winter than in high summer .
16 He first became a player-manager at 28 and in his time the 41-year-old Buckley has won three promotions , the Bob Lord trophy with Kettering — and been sacked by Walsall after making them the highest scoring team in the four Divisions .
17 There is no direct evidence at all as to even which year Charlemagne was born ; in Louis the Pious 's case , the year ( but not the exact date ) of birth was recorded by the Astronomer , his anonymous biographer , because Louis was exceptional as the survivor of a pair of twin boys .
18 Much of it was in small parcels ; some was not suitable for development at all because of physical difficulties ; and , of the remainder , a great deal was already in the hands of builders .
19 The co-processor using groups of small engines , they will explain , is not a mainframe at all and in fact evidence that the mainframe is a gone gosling .
20 If there is a particular liability that is causing concern which has been identified prior to contract but is not precisely quantifiable , it may be appropriate that it should not be covered by a warranty at all but by an indemnity or other specific provision .
21 The bottom line is , however , that an amp with an effects loop which could n't be used properly before , not only handles one processor but can feed four with no trouble at all and with no signal corruption .
22 Expressed in other terms , ‘ the Commonwealth ’ is not a political entity , or indeed an entity at all except in make-believe .
23 ‘ Some days I can hardly see down the road at all and with all these people parking I just ca n't get through .
24 Clinton made it his first post-victory order of business to send messages of reassurance both to the world at large and to the financial and business communities .
25 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
26 er Red er Leicester , I got a lump last and there was no taste at all and on the second day , we not having a proper fridge just er , a a fridge you know keeping it in store
27 Clearly , total exclusion of liability for failure to perform a contract at all because of wilful default will not be reasonable under s 3 .
28 Equally , total exclusion of liability for failure to perform a contract at all because of circumstances beyond the control of the party in default ( ie reasons of force majeure or an act of the other party ) will conversely be reasonable in nearly all circumstances .
29 James was in action again when he failed to hold a Hodgson hook at 67 and at 98 the batsmen also offered a chance to Matthew Maynard at slip that was not accepted .
30 About one quarter of Oxfordshire teachers are unsure as to whether their review and report had led directly to any change at all and with regard to whether it had improved teaching methods , over a third were unsure .
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