Example sentences of "[noun sg] they may be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The skins are sold to the rug trade and in future they may be used for making garments .
2 And it may be argued that centralist solutions are dangerous , not only because in any particular administration they may be used to bad effect , but because in principle they inhibit freedom .
3 Exceptionally the statutes creating these bodies may omit to provide for an appeal in which case the decisions of the tribunals in question may be the subject of review by the High Court , and if the decisions reveal an error of law they may be quashed by what is known as an order of certiorari .
4 Pronouns can either become disjuncts ( he or she , her or his ) or the singular they may be used ( no one would use sexist language if they could help it ) .
5 The idea of settling Jews in Palestine , the British Foreign Office cabled two of its ambassadors in 1916 , ‘ might be made far more attractive to the majority of Jews if it held out to them the prospect that when in course of time the Jewish colonists in Palestine grew strong enough to cope with the Arab population they may be allowed to take the management of the internal affairs of Palestine … into their own hands …
6 However , by manual intervention they may be deemed sufficiently semantically related to justify a common index .
7 Prior to maturity they may be exchanged for shares of the subsidiary which , at the option of the bondholder , are either immediately redeemed or immediately exchanged for ordinary shares of the parent .
8 They take for granted that they themselves have a name they may be called by , as well as nicknames and endearments , alongside such designations as the kid , the boy , and so on .
9 When working with mice in an isolator they may be picked up by the base of their tail using a pair of large forceps with rubber sleeves on their tips .
10 I also think McClair is a better player than Cantona , but whilst Gobber keeps selecting Cuntona , Sharpe and occasionally Robson , there is a chance they may be caught .
11 The young hedgehogs are reared by their mothers , and at about four weeks of age they may be seen foraging with her in the darkness .
12 Against these drawbacks , however , must be weighed the greater professionalism of teachers on the French model , and thus the greater respect they may be accorded by pupils and parents .
13 Well thing is people are moving to an area they may be given some information by their company but
14 If there are two student members on the bench they may be asked to deliver their judgments before the senior member .
15 Tommorrow they may be banned from doing so .
16 For example they may be asked to prepare a training session on how to deal with difficult clients or one on housing benefits .
17 Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of coordinate relationships , in which case they may be represented by ‘ RT ’ or related term in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below .
18 However , it is difficult to see how they might generate significant welfare losses ( and , indeed , may involve some welfare gains — see Waterston ) , unless practised by firms that have significant market power , in which case they may be used to exploit and sustain a dominant position .
19 It is vital that our site work and written reports are of the highest standards because if there were a transgression they may be used as legal evidence . ’
20 In one sense they may be regarded as the successors to , sometimes the heirs of , the small- nationality movements directed against the Habsburg , Tsarist and Ottoman empires , that is to say against what were considered historically obsolete modes of political organisation , in the name of a model of political modernity , the nation-state .
21 In that partnerships depend not just on technical or logistical arrangements but also personal commitment for their success they may be thought to resemble matrimony .
22 Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention , specifically on prisoners of war , repeats the limits on the information they may be required to give .
23 Er , Chairman the , the only advice that I can give Dr on that point is to say that the county council is not letting them down er the funding for major road schemes is provided by central government and we make a contribution towards it but if central government do not give us permission to go ahead with the race road scheme in terms of a grant , then in fact it will not go ahead and in that situation they may be let down , that is their judgement and that should be reflected in the way they vote at parliamentary elections .
24 In this case , consumers or users are allocated into different groupings according to the way they may be categorised , thus : * Geographic Distribution — for instance , a substantial proportion of total UK demand is concentrated in London and the South East .
25 Following the usual convention they may be named after the thrust forming their leading ( northerly ) edges .
26 As far as this representative model is concerned procedural entitlements are viewed in purely instrumental terms , according to the contribution they may be expected to make to the accuracy of the underlying substantive policy judgments , and since no one has a right to a particular policy outcome , no one has aright either to any particular form of decision-making process .
27 In fact they may be seen as at the root of practically all marital and sexual dissonance .
28 I do n't suggest that these unfavourable writings pushed him to do what he did , though I do n't mind suggesting that the bigotry and vicarious piety they may be reckoned to contain could be classed among the negative experiences of the last months of his life .
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