Example sentences of "[noun sg] they be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 A voice for moderation and good order — like many others — but his head as bare as the rest when the bricks started to fly , his body as vulnerable to sabre cuts as his father 's , his countenance indistinguishable to those young and possibly nervous soldiers from the real " physical force " brigade they were supposed to be looking for , who had raised everybody 's temperatures by ambushing and stoning a military escort at Salterhebble .
2 Whilst this is undoubtably true — men , even when they 're in the minority , take up proportionally more space and time and attention than in equity they are entitled to — but it is not the reason why radical feminists argue for their exclusion .
3 The Jehovah 's Witness they 're opposed to all sorts of tyranny , the Jehovah 's Witness .
4 allow and they reckon that soft ones are better suited too sports because , because of the great action they 're harder to , to knock out , whereas soft ones er , have better other qualities , I 've got this little fucking book , book that I picked up in the Boots in Farnborough the other day yes , its quite interesting .
5 But many adult learners also hold down a full-time job , and in the middle of a hard week 's work they are likely to be tired .
6 Most doctors today recommend that women continue to do whatever form of exercise they are accustomed to and cover themselves medicolegally .
7 In the long run they are incorrect to the degree that they are incomplete .
8 Left again , after the brewery ( where they still have the Porter Tun Rooms , a tun being a big barrel not a weight , though not many people know that ) is Whitecross Street and the Barbican entrance , where many tourists go in and some actually find the theatre or gallery they 're supposed to be going to .
9 When people move house to take up residence in a new community they are likely to be more open to change in other areas of their life .
10 Yes I think that may be right my Lord , indeed er if we succeed on the way out , get get out of the contract point then of course the plaintiff 's case is that they would have taken that advice and would not have entered into the contract a and therefore on that basis they are entitled to be compensated on the basis that all the losses they unnecessarily incurred by having , being forced to complete , should be recoverable , subject to er litigation of loss and .
11 A. You can get advice from a building society , a bank manager , a local authority , or a new town development corporation about how large a mortgage they are likely to be able to give you .
12 That they eat much of the crop they are supposed to be harvesting ? ’
13 I have observed that brichardi left with their parents stop growing at about 1¼″ — in the confines of an aquarium they are likely to be killed if they grow any larger .
14 This is because if such proceedings are commenced in the High Court they are liable to be struck out under s 40(1) ( b ) of the 1984 Act ( see below ) .
15 A tender list of six firms was prepared in accordance with Standing Orders , but on the day they were due to be sent out , Mr Holdsworth was instructed to add a seventh .
16 In this art they are skilful to perfection …
17 Interrogatories and discovery of documents are procedures designed to help in the resolution of factual disputes by ensuring that all relevant documents and information are disclosed , and in actions begun by writ they are available to the parties without the consent of the court .
18 The final and the greatest problem of the neurophysiological version of the CTP ( or , indeed , any version of the CTP ) , is that it can not explain the intentionality or ‘ aboutness ’ that connects the neural events with the object they are supposed to be perceptions of .
19 Attached to the legs of chairs , the edges of rugs , the bottoms of jugs , the aerials of radios , the doors of drawers , the headboards of beds , the screens of televisions , the handles of pots and pans , they give the appropriate measurement for the part of the object they 're stuck to .
20 In this respect they are similar to the developing blood cells whose diversity is also controlled by a sequence of signals from the surrounding tissues .
21 In this respect they are similar to ethnographic restudies ( p. 92 ) .
22 It 's already been said this morning they are entitled to a voice and therefore we need to retain er , a separate trade union membership .
23 My suggestion is that the eight working-class women who say they ‘ like ’ or ‘ do n't mind ’ housework but show evidence of being dissatisfied with it , are in fact committing this contradiction because the speech mode they are used to makes the presentation of individual feelings difficult .
24 Dawn took her pencil and firmly drew a line down the centre of the sheet of paper they were supposed to be sharing .
25 Although looseknit networks are difficult to handle at the operational level , at the level of theory they are likely to be important .
26 Two social workers asked for this to be done , because they were so concerned about the policy they were supposed to be implementing .
27 In a company , directors pay income tax on their salaries under Schedule E. Excess profits can be kept within the company , in which case they are subject to corporation tax .
28 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
29 In addition they are apt to be submissive and extremely biddable ; far too willing , also , to withdraw from situations they find difficult .
30 Respondents had sharply different views of what liability they were subject to and about the extent of their liability , and had varying arrangements to meet any perceived potential liability .
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