Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Italian was in the process of being shown the red card himself for a crunching tackle on Walsh when the Pompey striker hit back angrily .
2 On occasions , after a programme , he would slip into the empty studio , seat himself at the grand piano and play — mostly chords and nothing recognizable .
3 The steadying windvane is a help , and the alternative triangular frame idea shows a way of using weight itself as a stabilising force .
4 It 's a wonder any parts are left at all , what with debts of £6.5m and Sir John Hall still waging the boardroom battle that has very nearly claimed the club itself as the ultimate , ironic , victim .
5 As an undergraduate myself in the late sixties , I met two famous pioneer sisters , the Misses Deneke .
6 Do n't try to cure the flakiness yourself with an anti- dandruff shampoo — it requires a different treatment .
7 That would be the best time to refinance with a fixed-rate mortgage and lock oneself into the German virtuous circle of medium-paced growth , low inflation and minimal home loan costs .
8 Its system of display and retrieval must therefore be such that this kind of learning can proceed : that the individual user can , to a very great extent , progress himself through the various pathways to knowledge provided by the library , with the minimum of unnecessary difficulty and the maximum reinforcement .
9 Such an individual could choose to ignore conventional time-cues and so cocoon himself in an artificial world in which meals and artificial lighting are adjusted to accord with the dictates of his body clock — like the subject in a cave ( in chapter 2 ) and the opposite of what happens normally , when our life-style adjusts our body clock .
10 Sloan no slouch himself in the cantankerous department was not of much help .
11 James Lee Byars , who is no slouch himself in the mystical department , deploys white marble balls at Mary Boone ( until the 25th ) .
12 Both local associations pointed unambiguously to slavery itself as the disruptive factor ; only with emancipation would ‘ a Population of turbulent Slaves [ be ] converted into one of peaceable Colonists ’ .
13 The Parliament Act 1911 still recites that ‘ it is intended to substitute for the House of Lords as it at present exists a Second Chamber constituted on a popular instead of hereditary basis ’ and explains the Act itself as a temporary measure pending such a substitution .
14 The team had already identified the capability of the switchboard equipment itself as a major cause of delays and one recommendation was that Direct Dial In [ DDI ] facilities should be installed so that calls could be dialled direct to specific people , by-passing the switchboard .
15 Who then , was to determine whether or not the water came from faults and fissures in the rock , or from the vein itself in the usual manner ?
16 And I was just squeezin maself into a five and a half when Moira McVitie round the crescent in the cul de sac comes by and shouts out ‘ Hiya there Verena is that you trying on some fuck-me shoes for yer man gettin back . ’
17 Here you can relax in a pine lodge overlooking a lovely garden , or sun yourself on the semi-circular sun terrace .
18 In chains he tells the Sanhedrin itself about the one name in heaven by which we must be saved .
19 I WAS surprised to read in the article by Harry Mead ( Echo January 17 ) and your editorial ( January 20 ) where , after a careful scrutiny of the present troubles in Northern Ireland , both of your suggested conclusions were for accepting the defeatist attitude of the greater good subordinating itself to the prevalent evil .
20 although on one level Balzac 's story is ‘ about ’ castration ( one of the characters is a castrato singer ) , in Barthes 's reading the theme of castration is seen as a pretext for a kind of reflexive anxiety on the part of the text itself concerning the very possibility of representation .
21 Sometimes , the Minister will take the point of a desired amendment , but not like the proposed amendment itself and thus undertake instead to arrange for amendment himself at a later stage .
22 By the afternoon of the 7th , to the accompaniment of barrages enveloping the whole sector that seemed to reach a crescendo of fury , the Germans captured the whole of the Bois des Corbeaux ; including the wounded Colonel of the 211th , saved no doubt from savage disgrace himself by a spirited last-ditch defence .
23 At 32 Rue St Honoré , they met with Raymond Eddi , a distinguished Lebanese parliamentarian in exile , and Marcel Boutros , Aoun 's personal envoy , who invited Coleman to meet the general himself at the presidential palace in Baabda .
24 Acheson himself in the early months of 1950 set out to imbue the British and other members of Nato with a greater sense of urgency .
25 Just as children are very familiar with drama itself through the dramatic fictions that they see enacted on television and on film , so too they have encountered the idea of still images in other contexts : their own family snapshots , freeze frame on the video recorder , sculptures , waxworks and comic strips .
26 I found a piece of blue-grey silk for the background , to tone in with the recipient 's decor , and selected the wooden frame and the gold tones in the picture itself for the same reason .
27 He traced a chain of development in the verbalization of sexual material from " smut " , " " Zote " " , which is characteristically used , he claims , by a man to excite a woman , to the joke itself as a covert expression of thwarted male sexual aggression and desire .
28 Silver must have come from silver-bearing lead and copper ores but there is no evidence of mining lead itself until the late Saxon period .
29 In the town itself over the next few years Class meetings were formed in West Street , Corcrain , Edenderry , Levaghery , Lisniskey and Kernan .
30 ( op. at. : 6 ) Art sessions took place in the Art Room itself at the far end of the school , and Drama work happened in the hall .
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