Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I asked the Corporal why he had saluted and he explained that it was because the Legion was the senior arm of the French Armed Forces .
2 He picked the hambone off the rock where he had put it and held it out to Michael .
3 Huy said nothing , resisting the urge to ask Merymose why he had told Kenamun of his meeting with Surere , and wondering if the Medjay would give an explanation .
4 658 Wilfrid , a young Northumbrian recently returned from the continent where he had visited Rome and received the Petrine tonsure in Gaul ( Vita Wilfridi , chs 3 , 7 ) .
5 When Rosa had completed her gentle grooming , they resumed their circling of the square , hand in hand ; and Tommaso came out of the cafe where he had bought Caterina and Franco ice cream , and lit a cigarette and puffed smoke into the evening sunlight .
6 He quickly located his man in the deep doorway where he had positioned himself , by the intermittent glow of his cigarette .
7 Groping for the light switch , whose position he had not yet memorised perfectly , he saw the evening 's post still lying on the table in the hall where he had put it before he came out .
8 This was because by then he had written The Origin where he had argued that primitive society was classless , on the evidence he had obtained from Morgan .
9 The sand where he had stood was undisturbed , and there was neither sight of him nor his camels .
10 He took the photostat copy of the Illustrated Police News out of the roll-top desk where he had kept it together with the original photograph ; under a pile of old negatives away from his wife 's prying eyes .
11 And talking of books , The Forest and the Fire still lay on the pillow where he had left it , before getting undressed .
12 Sometimes he is just a secondary figure floating in the novel 's bloodstream , as at the fête where he has got roped in with a few other young men to be a marshal and make sure everything goes smoothly .
13 McAllister looked at him from under the long dark eyelashes which had won his heart from the very first moment when he had seen them , on his sofa , adorning the unconscious girl he had carried in from the street .
14 What was occupying his mind , as vividly as if it were even now taking place , was the moment when he had said , ‘ That is absolutely fascinating , Norman , ’ and then realized it was supposed to be the end of the programme .
15 He himself spent hours in the chapel reserved for cadets , praying to the image of Rogal Dorn , and to the Emperor , attempting to recapture the moment when he had flown through fire , sure that this would stand him in good stead in battle .
16 It is ironic that Godoy was overthrown and treated with ignominy as a traitor at the moment when he had decided to resist Napoleon : it was his plan to remove the king to Seville , out of the way of the French , which set off the Tumult of Aranjuez .
17 They could not have told when the music tightened its hold and began its pull , but to Taliesin , afterwards , it was as if there was a moment when he knew that he was able to resist , and then another moment when he had surrendered completely .
18 She remembered the moment when he had locked the door and she had known herself trapped — she could still hear the sound of Rose Trivet crying her heart out in another part of the house .
19 Thinking back Rostov realised that he could remember nothing after the moment when he had operated the lock control and the door had hissed aside .
20 In the dream this was the moment when he had acted .
21 She relived that moment when he 'd reached to click off the bedside light , and those cool blue rays had stolen silently into the room , highlighting the unfamiliar ecstasy she 'd somehow denied herself until now …
22 The big lattice-patterned bed in Guy 's room brought back the moment when he 'd marched in on her unannounced that first night .
23 Lying there in his bed , she was suddenly beset by wild , crazy images of lying there in his arms , and , even as she tried to block them out , her body grew warm with the memory of the moment when he 'd kissed her in the make-up room .
24 Obviously aware of the moment when he 'd won the battle , Dane released her hands , and her arms slid of their own accord round his back , pulling him closer still , as if suddenly she could n't get enough of him .
25 Endill climbed to the shelf where he had left the cough mixture and saw that it had gone .
26 He remembered the brackish stream where he had fished for pinkeens with — who was it , Tommy Murtagh and Seanin Carty ? — and the mercifully short walk to the National School that in good weather he made in bare feet over stony roads , with in winter a sod of turf for the schoolroom fire crushing the jam sandwich in his satchel .
27 Mr McGregor says he 'll be sorry to leave his old job where he 's presided over the education reforms .
28 Wood-flour clad the heated planes of Bishop Hrolf 's brow and cheeks and gloved the powerful crag of his nose save , endearingly , for the double fingermark where he had blown it .
29 The zoo-man at the turnstile 'd come rushing out and Vern 'd get scared and drag me away to the place where he 'd hidden my …
30 He was on the southern side of the narrow spit of Meer 's Point , no more than a hundred yards from the place where he 'd killed Tom Carey .
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