Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] [pers pn] [be] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In July , two or three weeks after arriving in the United States , Eliot travelled to Washington in order to visit Pound at St Elizabeth 's , the asylum where he was being held .
2 And they are now getting to the point where they are are popular as the folders in terms of
3 At Elland Rd he left dixon on his arse on the left wing , and also there was one classic moment when he was being closed down by 2 arsenal players from either side — he dragged the ball back and both the arsenal players clattered into each other and fell over while Strach trotted upfield with the ball ! !
4 I remember how , when I was a naughty boy as I usually was , there being no corporal punishment , I was led about on a bit of string by my Headmaster , and one day when I was being reprimanded I laughed in the Headmaster 's face — I have always been defiant to all who tried to control me .
5 Some of the questions surrounding the care programme approach concern how it is being operated , what staff think about it and what impact it is having , or likely to have , on mental health services in general .
6 This job consisted of picking up thirty-six containers from the jetty Where they were being unloaded from HMAV Arakan ( one of the two Army Landing Craft Logistic ) and moving them to the container park .
7 The woman , who has n't been named , went missing from the ward where she was being treated at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital on Saturday .
8 Eddie Gilfoyle , 30 , was arrested at a hospital where he was being treated for stress .
9 Recently 55 more trade unionists have been arrested , yet those who were detained immediately after the 30 June coup have been neither interrogated , charged nor given an explanation of the reason why they are being held .
10 Jaq feared being marked as a heretic ; but that was not the reason why he was being specially scrutinized .
11 This week Peter Harris came home from the hospice where he 's being treated for cancer .
12 A further great grievance that exists in this force in the Division where I am is that the Section Sergeant dare not enter any Station while he is on duty unless he signs the main station book ; yet the plain clothes P.C.s and Detective Constables , and even uniform P.C.s can go into the Station as often as they think and there is no order that any of them must sign in and out .
13 At the same time we were organising meeting 's to tell local people about it and to get there views and to make it clear again that we were , you know , we were in a position where we were being forced to do something by this legislation that we did n't want to do and we wanted just , the alternative was if we had set a rent rise , which have been dramatically higher , I mean the four pounds , twenty five rent rise that we eventually had to agree to was higher than what the Council wanted to put the rent 's up by , you would think well the Council put the rent 's up by four pounds , twenty five , erm , and you know , that , that 's why the Council does that sort of thing but it 's us that gets involved in that kind of work , producing information and developing responses and then the secon d major area is what I 've just labelled a strategic policy development , and that mainly erm put policies that are like a rise within the Council rather than things that come from outside , like for example , because were the kind of Council we , we are , there was a debate amongst officer 's and member 's to develop an anti poll strategy and two hundred and eight thousand pounds was found to be linked to that strategy and erm , as that 's enabled various initiative 's to get under , under schemes , crashes for children in the town , stuff like that , er and also , erm to provide an overall policy frame work for other Council department 's .
14 Lucy slept after the first few hours , and woke with a start from a nightmare where she was being chased and her feet were weighed down with heavy , heavy shoes .
15 He wants to breath new fire into the cause of aggressive free market Conservatism at the point in political history when it is being discredited and there is a muddled attempt to return to consensual government .
16 This can save a great deal of time when they are being worked in the field .
17 When was a time when you were assertive , just think you can be anything assertive over anything it does n't matter think of a time when you feel you were being assertive anybody think of a time when they were being assertive
18 What firm is going to take on an untrained man in his forties at a time when it is being forced to lay off people who have been with their business for years ?
19 Eastern Europe must try to maintain satisfactory levels of exports to the West in order to service its debt obligations there and satisfy domestic needs at a time when it is being pressed to greatly increase exports of manufactures to the Soviet Union to pay for increasingly costly imports .
20 The images of youth arose from a society in which the middle class was reviving its claim to political and cultural leadership at the very time when it was being challenged by the new class politics .
21 And er at that time when it was being mooted the , the council could not spend this charitable trust money without putting into jeopardy vast sums of money from revenue grant
22 In 1956 , the French critic Bernard Gavoty published a monograph on Karajan that was much preoccupied with Karajan 's temperament and musicianship at a time when he was being increasingly regarded more as an ambitious virtuoso superstar than as a totally dedicated musician .
23 Fades are well within the video repertoire of the average home movie maker , and they can be done either on the camcorder while the shots are being taken or later at the editing stage when they are being copied during assembly .
24 In early April two young farm labourers , Valdecir Ferreira and Altair Gomes , narrowly escaped death when a mob 1,500-strong stormed and set fire to the prison where they were being held for the gory knife murder of a taxi-driver , in the state of Parana .
25 Salvador Cayetano Carpio , writing in 1954 , described the prostitutes in the prison where he was being clandestinely held :
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