Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] [pers pn] has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In practice however he has to comply with it , because , if he does not , that fact is evidence against him and , if he does , he has a complete defence .
2 It 's a pity how it has turned out for him , but that 's the way it goes . ’
3 Nothing was stolen from Mrs Burke 's room at the home where she has lived since moving from Westleigh , Lancs , in February .
4 Her children have disappointed and saddened her to the point where she has made the decision to rule them out of future considerations surrounding the throne .
5 The female ichneumon wasp has an ovipositor like a dagger with which she drills a hole in wood at the exact point where she has detected a beetle grub lying beneath .
6 The spread of the Apple Macintosh within publishing to the point where it has become an industry standard .
7 IBM has got to the point where it has baptised the concept of the RS/6000 Cluster Service Offering , but a twist in DEC 's plan is to enable alien workstations to be included in the cluster — according to Electronic News , it conceives of creating clusters of Alpha-based workstations within one to two years and then to move on to embracing alien machines , with the benefit that stations could be used as stand-alone units when no parallel work was running .
8 Sometimes he is just a secondary figure floating in the novel 's bloodstream , as at the fête where he has got roped in with a few other young men to be a marshal and make sure everything goes smoothly .
9 a vehicle which has been used on roads outside Great Britain , while it is being driven after its importation into Great Britain on the journey from the place where it has arrived in Great Britain to a place of residence of the owner or the journey from any such place where , by previous arrangement , the vehicle will be provided with such anchorage points and seat belts as will comply with requirements of this regulation ; or
10 STEVE DAVIS revealed last night how he has conquered his nerves and set his sights on a seventh UK Championship .
11 When Deckard asks his wife why she has programmed herself for a ‘ six hour self-accusatory depression ’ , she says
12 He always travels on the back of the lorry where he has to pop up and turn , but he does n't mind at all . ’
13 The question of Mr Brown 's achievements has become more pressing because of a Californian term-limits law ( yes , another initiative ) which will eject him by 1996 from the assembly where he has sat for 27 years .
14 Will the hon. Gentleman tell the constituent of mine who is over 21 and earns £50 for a 40-hour week why he has taken a greater percentage of the young man 's earnings than he has from his right hon. and hon. Friends who go to the City and , for part-time work , earn hundreds of thousands of pounds ?
15 Monie will be sadly missed , not only at Wigan but throughout the domestic game where he has set a shining example with his model behaviour off the field and his professionally-sound methods on it .
16 This second collapse has produced a new trade union militancy and a growing influence of re-established or new socialist parties , but it has also engendered in several countries a fervent nationalism , so far most intense in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union where it has led to military confrontations .
17 I think one of the great areas of such as system is in teaching young doctors , in training people , and an expert who ca n't tell a tutee why he has given a certain answer is n't really much good as a teacher .
18 Whenever I go in a minicab on my way to a radio or television programme — the companies are kind enough to take us in a car — I end up discussing with the driver how he has come to Britain in the fairly recent past and now has a job driving round London .
19 Confusion occurs when the student is taken out of the ‘ rut ’ , so to speak , and put in a situation where he has to execute flawless techniques from many different angles .
20 The worker , we concluded , is caught in that he wants to make some investment in work , even though the ends sought may be quite diverse by different workers , and , at the same time , is always caught in a situation where he has to experience feelings of resentment .
21 When he is there , will he explain to the people of the north-west why he has changed his mind about borrowing ?
22 This is one reason why it has become routine among Christian writers to warn against a god-of-the-gaps .
23 This is the primary reason why it has proved so hard to achieve structural change in many areas .
24 The Minister may say that the trusteeship can be renewed for a further five years , but I see no reason why he has resisted the expert opinion of the trustees and directors of the museums .
25 a minute , is there any reason why he has got to do that , because he has no other contact with year nine at all ?
26 The following factors should be taken into account : ( a ) any foreign element in the case which would be likely to require the guardian ad litem to make inquiries , or take other action , outside the jurisdiction of the court ; ( b ) the likely burden on the guardian where he has to represent several children in the proceedings ; ( c ) the existence of proceedings relating to the child in any other Division of the High Court in which the Official Solicitor is representing the child ; and ( d ) any other relevant circumstances .
27 According to article 3 of the Swiss civil code , ‘ no person can plead bona fides in any case where he has failed to exercise the degree of care required by the circumstances ’ .
28 ‘ We rarely have been in a position where he has had the confidence to go for it , ’ said Gray .
29 I have no idea why it has come to bear that name .
30 Would the right hon. Gentleman therefore care to suggest what I should say to those 420 workers in Rolls-Royce who have been ejected from their jobs with scant courtesy and with no idea why it has happened , who have all the skills required for building motor cars and are not to be given the chance to do so ?
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