Example sentences of "[noun sg] [num ord] [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The speech processing market continued its wander towards the commodity end of the industry last week when the Delrina Technology Inc subsidiary of Delrina Corp , Toronto said that it would be adding speech extensions to its WinFax personal computer facsimile software .
2 The dairy trade complaint was given a boost last autumn when the Monopolies and Mergers Commission said the SMMB could not buy the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society 's milk business and , in passing , criticised the board 's plans to be , in the jargon , a vertically integrated co-op .
3 The accountants ' cause received a small but unexpected boost last month when the California Supreme Court ruled that only clients could sue accounting firms for alleged professional negligence in the course of an audit .
4 ‘ There was a bit of a rumble last night when the boys left , outside .
5 THE long-running junkets row at the City Hall took an unusual twist last week when the DUP threw its weight behind a proposal to stop the Lord Mayor attending a conference in Hong Kong later this month .
6 A PREGNANT teenager had a miraculous escape last night when the car in which she was a passenger overturned .
7 He warned Margaret Thatcher , as she prepares for a Commonwealth heads of government conference next week where the issue of sanctions on South Africa is expected to be central , against insisting that ‘ the regime ’ was moving in the right direction .
8 THE PLUTONIUM knot unravelled a shank more at the Sizewell inquiry last week when the Department of Energy revealed that it is the reluctant owner of more than 80 kg of the material — some of which does not yet exist .
9 The moment last year when the JET scientists made the big breakthrough … producing energy from nuclear fusion … the joining of atomic particles .
10 These villages lie way beyond the reach of limited government services , which were shown to be in crisis last year when the island group was added to the United Nations ' list of Least Developed Countries ( LDCs ) .
11 Indeed , it was just such an incident which precipitated a crisis last week when the High Commissioner for Refugees suspended UNHCR operations in frustration at Serb action .
12 So if you 're prepared to see your art second hand then the playhouse is for you .
13 The writing was on the wall last year when the Government said it could not continue funding .
14 The disgraced soldier was then dragged back into the glare of publicity last November when the Attorney General successfully challenged her sentence as ‘ unduly lenient ’ .
15 There 's a difference between chronological age and developmental age and we at Cardinal Newman , and many other schools , have this open access sixth form where the children can mix or the students can take courses , not only ‘ O ’ levels , but there is a wide range of subjects .
16 This is good news for all because with a few modifications hopefully on the same car I may be in with a chance for first prize next year where the prize money increases plus a trip to the States to see their ‘ Sound Off Championships ’ .
17 It is the first time all 22 Premier League chairmen have come face to face since the Noades-inspired walk-out last September when the so-called ‘ Platinum Eight ’ clubs blocked a £10million Bass sponsorship deal .
18 Although , despite her principles and her ingrained reluctance to compromise , she could not suppress a pang of gratitude even now — as she dished up her broth and herb dumplings for the candidate — that an attack of the low fever , caught as usual from terrible , tormented Mrs Rattrie who , this time , had died of it , had kept Luke in bed during that wild week last summer when the plugs had been drawn from Braithwaite 's boiler and all Luke 's brave young friends who had got into the habit of gathering to smoke their pipes and set the world to rights of an evening in her hen-run , had gone marching off to join their " brothers ' from across the Pennines .
19 Mr Wood recalled an incident last year when the Stokesley group was asked to find a site for the release of a badger which had been taken to Throckley .
20 THE organisers of the Harp Masters men 's hockey tournament exhaled a sigh of relief last night when the only visiting team — Glasgow Western — scraped into the quarter-final stage with a hard fought 2-1 win over section two side Collegians at Blaris .
21 He found himself under severe pressure last year when the pit closure programme was announced .
22 Sansom , capped 86 times for England , was still talking to friends in the players ' bar at Stockport County last night when the rest of the squad left on the team bus after their 2-1 aggregate victory .
23 The club , in Normanby Road , and its stand have been the scene of a series of unexplained fires , the latest being last Friday when the stand was gutted for the second time .
24 EGGS galore rolled across the playground at Camelsdale School last week when the children took part in a traditional Easter egg-rolling .
25 And an egg-stravaganza of eggs made their appearance at Grayswood School last week when the pupils put on their thinking caps to make some weird and wonderful creations .
26 It followed an inquiry after a court case last year when the company was fined £1800 for allowing drivers to break rules on the number of hours they could drive .
27 There is intense speculation that the massive cloud of dust and debris that shot into the upper atmosphere last April when the Mexican volcano , the El Chichon erupted may be to blame .
28 And Taylor , under fire last week when the Lineker camp claimed he was jealous of the striker 's personality , image and status , knows he was thinking about it even sooner .
29 TWO YOUTHS miraculously escaped injury last night when the car they were travelling in crashed off a busy road and into a subway .
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