Example sentences of "[noun sg] [no cls] and [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 That was the quite enlarged quite enlarged er sidings , erm these have n't been changed here , but additional sidings on this side er and I say that curve up here .
2 They can go round the corner to the , er I go to a church club er and I pay twenty-five pence and that includes my raffle and a cup of tea you see .
3 On the one hand we 're really concerned about increase in violent crime er and we 've got to ask ourselves ‘ where did those people who are now in their late teens and twenties and thirties who commit those sort of crimes , where did they , where did it all begin from ? ’
4 We 've been precise on this because this is , if you look at your agenda papers , er quite detailed suggestion , one of the quotas , one of the options er in fact that we , the same about officer 's , erm nine twenty er the basis er , er is , is erm a very near to the that 's thirty five including capital , er we had to go fur further , obviously and , but we picked the Labour figure er and I wonder a little because the advice we have is that once we go over nine twenty places become much more erm , unfortunately costly .
5 Yes erm one of the questions which we have n't addressed on our leaflet is well actually , what , you know , how do you receive this programme erm and you do need special equipment erm Eurostep
6 Yes , I can see , Bill , that the reason why you invited me today is that I am Mr Clean , not being a Local Authority Councillor of any shape or hue erm and I seem to remember
7 For instance if you want to turn an object on a lathe erm and you go from one end of a shaft to the other , no matter , supposing you do it ten times , erm the machine will take that cut in exactly the same time .
8 erm , this is a , a case which er deals with er the issue of the suspension of a measure based upon community law , whether a national court , when a measure has been based upon community law has power to suspend it , now my Lord the er issue in was erm involved er the er decision of er the German government er to give effect to er a community regulation in the sugar sector which er required er that levies should be er obtained from sugar companies , so it was a very direct er implementation of community law erm in that sense different to the matter before your Lordship , but we rely on it by analogy and in , in this case my Lord er you will see it 's in the supplementary bundle of authorities , the extra bundle because , before your Lordship , in that case your Lordship will see er between paragraphs fifteen and thirty three er the er European court indicating that where a measure that has been based upon a community er , er law is challenged before a national court that the national court er should er only er engage in the er , er suspension of such a measure , erm if there is serious doubt er this is erm my Lord er at er paragraph twenty three of the case er and we say that er if you look at the criterions they are not dissimilar from those that have been adopted by the House of Lords as a matter of English law in the case
9 So I think it is a matter of erm importance for the structure plan its inclusion er and I think to put the an answer to one of the questions that was put earlier , if it is not to be left to the district to decide on where development is or is not appropriate in open countryside as defined in the structure plan policy , who it is intended could be making the decision on where development would be appropriate .
10 So it takes into account er what what the development plan should be doing which is to make adequate reasonable allocation in the context of the the the broad strategy of the structure plan erm and I do n't see any reason to believe that once that has been done erm the remaining plan outside those areas should n't be treated as open countryside .
11 Well I agree with the honourable gentleman to this extent and that as he knows er we would scrap the self regulatory system and make the S I B responsible for er regulating er er the industry and in time merge it with a banking er regulatory body , er so that would answer that point er and I think that the S I B er could also be responsible for the enforcement of these matters .
12 Er perhaps one of the things that was n't mentioned this morning is our relationship with with Microsoft in that the the Microsoft SQL Server for a the O S Two environment is actually a developed product er and we have a joint marketing agreement on that .
13 Also like , why , why , do people want to find love ? , like is it maybe lulling them into a false sense of si security erm and I think that it is really important as like one woman said earlier on that its really important to love yourself first , cos how can you give any body any thing
14 You can give 'em three thousand a year to er in total to anybody you 've got all the exemptions like two hundred and fifty pound in any one gift erm and you 've got things like five thousand pounds on marriage of a child that you can give , and all these add up little cumulative bits here there and everywhere which helps you to dispose of an estate .
15 It 's open every morning and every evening erm and we give hot drinks and sandwiches to anyone who comes .
16 Yes , we do obviously erm in this particular region erm depend a great deal on the overseas visitor erm but I think Michael also made a very good point in relation to the comradeship which has emerged through the war erm and I think this was erm further identified by some representatives we sent out erm on the part of the local regional boards , in other words London , South East , Southern , East Anglia .
17 Because you , Neil 's already spoken to them about how late th the thing was coming in the first place no and they 've just ignored it !
18 Yes , I 'd just like to support this view about erm but I think the construction will tip the balance as to the way traffic going er from London towards will route erm and I think is gon na be the main victim .
19 So erm I 'm you kn I do n't propose to do that again because I would n't er I would n't arrange a speaker if we had a full table show but it 's nice to know that it did work out because we were , I was forced into a corner a little bit erm and I think it was worth it because we as I say I 've waited a long time for Danny and he was well worth listening to , I can listen to Danny for hours because he he just speaks and , and tells you about his fish , I 'm , I 'm very very fond of listening to Danny cos I think he gives a good talk .
20 No it 's down there , and in it er I wrote it last night actually when I was feeling pretty fucked off so it 's probably a bit out of order but I wrote to him and said erm tt Josh has been round this evening asking questions about what 's happened with his money erm and I think you 're really out of order .
21 ‘ I 've always liked the gentle curves of Art Nouveau and the squares and triangles of Art Deco and I think this is reflected in the house .
22 Let me ask er let me ask Robert over here now Robert , er I see here it tells me that you were separated from Alison , Alison your first wife , er let me get this microphone right , you were separated from your first wife , this is your second wife , you were separated from your first wife er and I understand it was a clean break , it was a clean break with a court settlement ?
23 The one thing they seem to be trying to do now is obfuscation and delay er and I think we ought to voice our concern and I hope the Council will agree to ask the Town Clerk to express concern at the way it 's being handled .
24 if you 've , you 've not already opted for individual er taxation er and you decide to do so after retirement how , how do I go about doing that , I mean does , does i if I invest er a lump sum in my wife 's name , we 've got to have opted for individual
25 is , is , in London and we deal with the British Section which is are the particular bits , but the prisoners have to be vatted and looked at and found by the International Secretaires , then they 're passed on to British Section who pass them on to us and a great deal of research goes into making sure that they really are truly prisoners of conscience , that they 've been in prison for some er possibly because of their belief or religion or their race erm and they 've not taken or advocated violence not taken part in or advocated violence and then , then they are full prisoners of conscience erm we maybe allocated them .
26 I 've spent nearly a week playing around with the Korg A2 and I feel I have n't done more than scratch the surface .
27 th th they defend that against the Japanese and then in , early in forty seven the come in and take it over so it 's an enormous psychological shock erm and they recognize that erm they , they , they do need to er they recognize that the way is through mass support , they think that 's what they 've got ta get , and they 've got ta get it quickly .
28 But erm but the whole the point about this show was three partners had stopped near the door the whole ice was covered with people who and er apart from the juggler an and you know bits
29 If I if it was sat trying to make an appointment with you for example er and I do n't know too much about the product we 're just getting
30 We realise that there are many problems caused by people who are n't able to park er in a restricted area er and we need to ensure that people are able to do that satisfactorily and safely .
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